I feel like a fraud because I haven’t been living up to the standard I set for others. I know I can talk until I’m circumstancesblue in the face but unless I act on my own advice I feel like a phony.

The truth is if you want to be a writer it is damn hard work. Day in and day out you have to put in your words and even then there is no guarantee you’ll make it, but you have to persevere and continue writing the best work you can.

You have to be stronger than the cynics, critics, and naysayers, because there will always be negative people who seek to bring you down for following your dream. Be on your guard for self doubt and its insidious hold on you.

Remember why you’re writing and hold on to that when things get tough. And trust me they will. There will be days you want to give up, but don’t. There will be days when the words just won’t come but carry on anyways because you’re better than that.

Yes sometimes it will feel like you’re screaming in a crowded room and no one is listening, but you have to continue anyways. You have to have faith in yourself and the process. Yes this can be hard when writing is the lat thing you want to do but do it anyways because it’s what you’re called to do.

You have a message and never lose sight of that fact. Like anything else you do it will take practice to find your voice and your tribe but it’s worth it in the end. Because it’s only when we stop writing that we have failed.

But don’t let that get you down. Trust me I have gone months where I don’t write anything at all, but eventually it will pass and I get back in the habit of writing everyday.

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