If you’ve spent any time on public transit then chances are you’ve met one of thee people below.
10.The Mouth
You hear him/her long before you him/her. Their loud mouths are their defining trait. If they’re not on their phones you can bet they’re engaged in one conversation or another. Be sure to pack your ear plugs.
9.The Hustler
No matter what they’re selling you can be sure there’s some funny business involved. Avoid unless you like having your money ganked. Often will try to get out of paying bus fare with one scheme or another.
8. The Wannabe Gangster
He talks a big game, but when it comes down to it no body is afraid of this loser.
7. The Crazy
Easily Identifiable by his/her disheveled looks and tendency to talk to invisible people, approach with caution. Sometimes it’s impossible to avoid them and if you must interact keep contact to a minimum.
6.The Jesus Freak
Often overlaps with above these people will never miss a chance to turn the conversation to Jesus. Either tune them out or turn up the tunes.
5. The Cutie
Occasionally you’ll come across this person and be struck with cupid’s arrow. Good luck trying to talk to him/her. Having no ride is such a game killer.
4. The Clown
Often overlapping with The Mouth their reason for being is acting a fool. (S)he is mostly likely to raise the ire of the bus driver and get ejected. Failing this ignore these fools and they will simmer down.
3. The Whiner
These professional victims look to complain about how messed up their lives are and will to whomever lets them. Let wallow in their pity parties and move on.
2. The Average Passenger
The majority of the people you meet, just wants to get off the bus and go home. Generally keeps to themselves and avoids as much drama as possible.
1.The Driver
Woe be upon those who get on their bad side. I’ve
seen them go from calm to livid in a matters of seconds. Tread lightly unless you enjoy walking home in the snow or deathly heat .
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