All is lost again, but I’m not giving in. I will not bow. I will not break. I will shut the world away. I will not fall. I will not fade. I will take your breathe away.
—Breaking Benjamin, I will Not Bow
When life gives you lemons make lemonade, play the cards life dealt you, and a thousand more sayings which all boil down to: life isn’t easy so make the best of it. Everyone is different, but at our core we are the same and experience the same things as we go through life.
The difference is in how we handle the rough patches in life. Are they challenges for us to overcome and learn from, or they obstacles for to hold us back?
The choice is yours.
For the longest time I went through life viewing every rough patch as another obstacle in a long line of set backs. I was a victim and blamed everyone else for my troubles. Then I had an epiphany.
No one is responsible for how your life turns out, except YOU!
You can view the world as a hostile place with people out to get you at every corner, or you can choose the see the good in people while remaining a realist.
The point is you have to be the source of change in your life. You have to take those first steps and continue moving forward making the best decisions you can.
No one is going to hold your hand all your life. You have to find the strength to carry on everyday. And most importantly no one can use your talents or the gifts given to you.
You have to be the one to use them or lose for good. When you’re lost or scared look inward and you’ll know what to do.
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