Welcome to part two of the post on the science used in The Phoenix Diaries. Without further ado, let’s begin.
The Science
Astrobiology deals with whether life on other planets exist, and if so, how it may have evolved and how humans can detect it. It makes use of several different sciences such as molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, and exoplanetology to determine where life may be present. I use astrobiology to theorize how alien lifeforms might evolve and how their environments affect their biology.
For example, the Nekoshin home world has heavy gravity, so they tend to be muscular, squat, stronger, and faster than humans. Conversely, The Hebin from planet Drac’con tend to be very tall relative to humans, owing to Drac’con’s lower gravity.
Xeno-linguistics is the theoretical study of alien languages using standard linguistic techniques and concepts. I employ this in the series through the creation of alien languages such as Na’iva and Na’el, which Travis and Prometheus learn in Palingenesis. In later books more alien languages are introduced such as Omnivox, a lingua franca used among the various alien cultures.

Likewise, xeno-technology is the study of alien technology, which is a major plot point later in the series as Travis hatches a plan to reverse-engineer all the alien technology he encounters on his adventures and introduce them to Earth. Such technology includes fusion generators, molecular printers, and teleportation pads.
Telepathy is usually considered in the realm of fantasy, but there’s a scientific explanation for how it could work. The theory goes something like this: brain waves being a collection of electrical impulses, these impulses can be transmitted to another’s brain, assuming you’re on the right “frequency.” The technology to do this would require precise knowledge of the human nervous system and brain, so we don’t fry the receiver’s and sender’s mind in the process.
Travis and Prometheus, being part energy creature, are able to modulate their brain waves to tune to others’ minds, and receive others’ thoughts, much as one dialing in a radio station.
Similar to telepathy, telekinesis would work by harnessing the power of our brain waves. This would require equipping the objects we want to move with receivers that trigger motors in the objects. Scientists have been experimenting with such technology to help quadriplegics control tablets via their thoughts, and others have used brain implants to allow people to move a robotic arm via their thoughts.
In this case of Travis and Prometheus, they use the electromagnetic field generated by their brain waves to affect the atmospheric pressure around them and use that to push objects.
Elemental Control
Matter and energy are basically the same thing, per Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, thus if you control one, you control the other. Furthermore, by controlling matter at a subatomic, one can create, water, fire, and the other elements and manipulate them with various forces.
Therefore, Travis and Prometheus can control the elements due to their control of energy. And fire being a chemical reaction that produces energy in the form of heat, is the element they have greatest control over.
Rapid Healing
The rate at which a person heals from an injury depends on age, general health, rest, and nutrition. Generally speaking, the older and sicker you are, the longer it takes you to heal. The healing process is governing by a set of biological processes which all require energy and the right about of organic chemistry to work.
The way rapid healing works in Palingenesis is Travis is able to speed up this process by focusing his energy onto the task of healing himself. However, doing this requires a ton of energy and Travis’s powers are nerfed afterward, rendering him vulnerable during this recharge period.
Molecular Printers
Molecular printers are a take on 3-d printers, only they print items molecule by molecule. How such a device would work is by using fusion generators as their power source, then you could either put raw materials in them and have the machine transform the atomic structure into the item you want, or in more advanced models the molecular printer would create the item whole cloth from pure energy a la the replicators from Star Trek.
You can do this because per superstring theory, all matter and energy are just strings vibrating at different frequencies.
The molecular printer Travis first encounters is of the former type.
Gravity Amplifiers

Similarly, gravity can be amplified using the same technology to vibrate strings at the frequencies to create gravitons and produce localized gravitational fields, like the one Travis and Prometheus use to train with.
Currently, the only way to simulate the effects of gravity is via rotation of large objects, and such a method is used on the International Space Station.

Holograms are creations of light, specifically they are created when two beams of light of the same wavelength intersect with a two- or three-dimensional picture.
Because light is just another form of energy, the hologram-trainer is able to create holograms of any object you could conceive of, with the benefit of making them solid. So, for all intents and purposes, the holograms it produces are real and can kill you.
Travis and Prometheus make uses of this machine during their training in the Magova (|mah| |goh| |vah| cave) and afterward to keep their skills sharp.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this deep dive into the science behind the fiction. For more information about astronomy and astrophysics check out Neil deGrass Tyson and Derrick Pitts.
Next week’s blog will be my cover reveal.
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