Hello my fellow NaNoWriMoers. How goes the writing? The thing I’m finding it hard to do is start, but once I begin the words follow on to the page. The thing I have to break myself of is wanting to go back and edit.

It’s a struggle everyday but I get through it. Some days I only manage a few hundred words but I keep at it because on the good days I get in a few thousand.

The thing participating in NaNoWriMo thus far has taught me is you can’t beat yourself up not getting everything perfect on the first try. The first draft of anything will need work and I accept that but it doesn’t mean I should do the bare minimum to get by.

I want to produce the best content I can while still having fun. I know getting the balance right is going to take time so I’m just going to have fun writing this first draft then go back and edit it later.

So tell me how is your experience with NaNoWriMo going?


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