She has grey hair with pale blue eyes, and a heart-shaped face. She’s seventy-seven, five-foot two, and ninety pounds. Her full name is Helena Troy Ziglar-Aurum, and she’s the richest woman in the world, owing to her being the oldest of the Ziglar children and heiress to the Cadmus fortune. She has a hunch due to having polio as a child.
She’s fiercely protective of her loved ones but has a legendary temper and will hold grudges for years. Old-school and no-nonsense, she says what’s on her mind with little regard for people’s feeling. When she was younger, she was a big tomboy, preferring climbing trees and going hunting to playing dolls and having tea parties. She’s also a reformed racist and tries to keep up with current events like LGBTQ+ rights and BLM.
She likes her mystery novels and watching movies from her childhood on the Classic Movie Channel. She’s also fond of horses and has several on the Aurum Estate, along with a few pugs and cockatoos to keep her company. Helena is passionate about helping others and attends several charity events each month, and when not doing that, she plays bridge with her friends and takes salsa lessons on the weekends. She also knits and crochets clothes for her family and friends Her favorite person in the world is Travis.
Helena hates rude people and people who think they’re better than everyone just because they’re wealthy. She also has a long-standing feud with Travis’s mother, her daughter and only child, and their fights are epic. She also hates how Travis’s parents treat him and how they allowed the DMRC to experiment on him. Her biggest pet peeve is fake people who only act nice to her because of her vast fortune.
Helena’s primary goal is enjoying her golden years and using her money to do the greatest good. Second, she wants to spend time with her loved ones, such as her great nephew Austin and grandson Travis. She also wants to find a suitable successor to run her businesses until Travis comes of age to assume control of them.
Helena wants to undo all the evil her husband and his friends have caused over the years. She also wants Travis to use his powers for good.
She fears not having enough time with her loved ones and not being able to counteract her husband’s evildoings. Helena also fears whomever she chooses as her successor will use their wealth and power for nefarious means and all the work she did will be for naught.
Morality/ Religious Belief
Morally, she’s chaotic good and follows her own code of conduct with little regard for what the law says. Religiously, she’s Protestant and goes to church several times a week. She’s very serious about her faith.
Political Alignment
Helena is an east coast liberal elite who favors libertarian values like individualism and freedom of choice and association.
Thanks for reading. Next week’s post will be on Josh’s parents.
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