
 Sarah Sophia Turner nee Aurum is thirty-two, five-six, 140 pounds, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.


  She is pretentious, haughty, and money hungry. She often dreams up get rich quick schemes that fail and is a lotto addict.

Sarah can be cold and distant, especially when money is tight. She’s also quick to anger and holds grudges easily. As the only child of Marshall and Helena Aurum, she grew up having anything she wanted, and now that she has to live on a budget, she resents being lower middle class. She and her mother rarely talk since she disowned Sarah for marrying Sampson Turner and having Travis young.  


 Sarah likes window shopping at luxury stores and dreaming about one day affording said items. She’s also fond of old shows and movies that remind her of her lavish childhood. Sarah also likes dolphins and has a dolphin pendent, which Sampson gave her for their first anniversary. Also, she likes money, power, and being in charge, and is addicted to watching all those real housewives of . . . shows and reading bodice rippers.


Sarah dislikes when people question her authority, disrespect her, or make her feel like she’s not good enough. She hates anything that reminds her she’s not rich or as powerful as she ought to be.  


  Sarah’s primary goal is becoming wealthy, through any means necessary. Second to this is keeping her family together until the twins graduate college. Third, is becoming the head of the nursing department and head of AP Prep’s PTA.


  Sarah’s primary desire is to be rich and not have to ever work again. Second, is keeping her kids safe. Third, making sure Travis never finds out about his powers and what she and her husband allowed the government to do to him.


Her greatest fear is losing everything and being homeless. She also fears Travis finding out about his powers and the harm he could do.

Morality/Religious Beliefs

 Morally, Sarah is lawful neutral; she follows the laws she agrees with, ignores those she doesn’t, and puts the needs of herself and her family above all others.

Religiously, she is Catholic and attends Mass when her job allows time for it.

Political Alignment

  Sarah is a conservative democrat; she’s liberal on fiscal matters but leans to right on social issues like abortion, same-sex marriage, and trans rights.


Thanks for reading. Next week’s post will be all about my book release details. Then I’ll resume the next post in this series on Sampson Turner, Travis’s father.

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