image by nh313066 via

It’s a prerequisite. If you want to get published you need a platform and to be engaged on social media. But I rather be writing. Screw all this marketing and promoting crap. I want to concentrate on putting out the best work I can. Not worry about whether it will go viral or lose followers on twitter.

In this new age where everyone and their mama has a blog I get you need to stand out above the noise. But you do that through your writing, not by pimping your blog ad nauseum to anyone who will hear. This is counterproductive, annoying and turns people off from visiting your site.

I hate marketing and the time it consumes. I work damn hard from the moment I get up until I go to bed. There are days I’ll only get a few hours sleep then get up and start the grind again. So no, I’m not lazy. I’d rather be writing.

My philosophy on writing has always been if it’s good people will show up, but I’m quickly learning the most successful blogs aren’t necessarily well written or insightful ,just the most well marketed.

Rather than being butt-hurt, I’ll continue to put out the best content I can. Sure I’ll promote my blog and interact on social media as need be. But don’t expect me to like it or dedicate tons of time on it. Because I’d rather be writing.

What aspects of social/marketing do you loath the most, and how have you overcome that to get your message out there?  

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