image by Martin Lidyard via

As you celebrate the Fourth of July today, remember this day is about independence from a tyrannical government. We have forgotten the price of freedom is constant vigilance. We’ve allowed corporations and the federal government to turn us into docile sheep ready for slaughter.

Under the current administration this country has marched ever closer to becoming a police state. The constitution, once a hallmark of our democratic republic, holds little more value than toilet paper these days.The government assassinates US citizens abroad, detains them indefinitely and spies on everything we do and say. Yet this is treated as normal.

Don’t tell me to chill out when I see our civil liberties being eroded all in the name of safety. Don’t tell me it’s OK because the guy in office has a D next to his name. Allowing any president these powers is unacceptable and will only lead to further expansion of executive powers.

The ineptitude of our elected officials is symptomatic of a deeper problem. Politics has shifted from being about serving the will of the people to whoring yourself out to the highest bidder. No longer is it about doing what’s right, but what’s politically safe.

Once politicians were held accountable to their constitutes.Now gerrymandered districts make it neigh impossible to oust incumbents.Where once people could assembly to peacefully protest, now they are treated like terrorists. So what can we do?

It’s time we made them remember what Independence Day is about. Flood your representatives’ inbox and voice mail. Go to their offices and demand the will of the people is heard. I’m calling for a massive campaign of protests and civil disobedience to make their lives hell until they can no longer carry on with business as usual.

If you feel there is something rotting in the state of American, then join me on the steps of Congress next July 4th and let’s give them an Independence Day they will not soon forget.

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