image by Chris Worfolk via

Hey, this is you from the future. Right now you think things suck out loud right? Well they won’t always. You’ll survive and be stronger for it, so pay no mind to what others say about you.

I know you think people suck and can’t be trusted , but  sometimes they can surprise you with their kindness. Sure you’ll always have to deal with assholes, but it gets easier with practice.

It’s true college is just high school with more sex and drugs. Plus the work’s harder, but it’s not a total clusterfuck. You’ll make friends and even go out. So try not to be so shy.

And when it comes to love, don’t believe all those stories you’ve read. When you get crushes like mad, and you will, don’t stress out. Yeah you’ll get your heart broken but that’s all part of the game, kid. Get it out of your system and you’ll be cool.

When all else fails remember what you’ve been through and anything else will seem like chump change. And one last thing: don’t ever stop writing.  You have talent ,you just need to practice. And when you get older don’t feel so bad.  You can’t stay young forever.  Remember to live and you’ll do fine. Well later kid.

So what advice would give your past self? Comment and share. 
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