One topic I see blogged on consistently is being positive to find inspiration. But seldom do you see a blog address the fact that being negative also generates thoughts and can inspire.

Yes no one likes to be around someone who is always negative, however there are times when that negativity serves a purpose, such as calling attention to a problem and issuing a call to action.

Writing is meant to evoke people’s emotions but that doesn’t mean only making them feel  warm and fuzzy inside. No, your job is to provoke; to shock; to make people question what they believe and make them think.

People turn to your blog because they wanted to be entertained, but also to find answers about the big questions in life. When done right you can do both. But only if you dare to embrace the darkness in life to underscore the bright patches.

The point is the darker the road we travel the more we appreciate the light. It’s so easy to either ignore life’s rough patches or wallow in them. The hard part is accepting that there are peaks and valleys along the way. You hold on to good times when things get bad and cherish them when they come, because they will if you hold on.

The next time you get in a funk embrace it then move on. Stuck on that WIP? Rant about it. Can’t find the right words? Then talk about that. Frustrated no one is reading your blog? Let it out because only by daring to be human and exposing yourself will you over come your fears. And in the process you’ll gain a tribe that will follow you anywhere.

The only great truth about writing is there’s no big secret. Just do it and make every line count.      


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