Dear Anthony Weiner,

 Yet again you’ve been exposed for sexting pictures of your dick to women not your wife weeks before an election. Dude you have a dick problem. Not sending pictures of your junk, you are a dick.

Seriously, if you’re going to go down for a sex scandal then at least have sex. You didn’t get to first base with either of these women. Sorry but like cyber sex before it sexting is just the latest in masturbatory technology. It’s really pathetic if you stop and think about it.

You’re sending unsolicited shots of your crotch and hitting on women like your some immature high school kid. What the hell is wrong with you man? You have a hot wife and a kid at home. Yet your trolling for side pussy? You’re a fucking douche and deserve to lose.

It’s not only that what you did on a scale of one to ten on the dick meter ranks an eleven. It’s that you learned nothing from the first you were caught. Jesus man are you a grade A idiot or just that damn horny? Dude how you could just go putting your junk out there for anyone to see is beyond dumb.

Weiner here’s a tip . Next time get a hooker like every other politician and you’ll be golden. Rule one of doing dirt is leave no evidence and have plausible deniability. You left so much crap there’s no way you could claim this was a one time thing or a slip up.

It’s because of people like you the majority of Americans have stopped believing anything a politicians says or does. So when you have electile dysfunction remember you brought this upon yourself because you’re a giant dick.

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