The reason I started this blog was because much of the research I’ve read says you need a one if you want to get a book published, but honestly I don’t don’t see the point. I mean some stuff says you should blog every day in addition to posting multiple tweets, guest posting and writing guest articles. Jesus when am I suppose to actually work on my stories if I’m constantly doing all this other stuff? I mean I’m not lazy. I do try  to write  every other day if not everyday and when I’m not writing I’m doing research for up coming chapters, editing older chapters to tighten them up, and reading.

I guess I should introduce myself now (a bit cliche but fuck it. Not like anyone’s reading this thing anyways.). My name’s Tyerone, I’m about to turn 27 and am from metro Detroit (And no that’s not a typo. It was my mother’s brilliant idea and that extra e has been such a pain in the ass over the years.). I was always a huge reader thanks to my dad ,who to this day carries a paperback or his kindle with him where ever he goes. In school I was an English geek( I used to read the dictionary for fun) and always did well on my assignments. So as the years passed my teachers encouraged me to get into creative writing, though I was more into science and majored in general physics in college. I’m a massive perfectionist when it comes to my writing, and others for that matter, so even though they told me I could write nothing ever met my high standards. I’ve since then learned not to be so anal retentive. After all that’s why they call  them rough drafts right. I got into writing fan fiction the summer after graduating high school and started off with a dragonball z what if fic about Gohan. Then I got into the Harry Potter series with a god awful self insert fic that’s so bad I will read through and ripe on it MST3K style (A bit of a reminder how much I’ve improved .).

Growing up in Detroit, 6mile& Grand River area, was not the best place if you’re into dudes(unless you’re on the DL but that’s another topic all together). So rather then getting my ass kicked for trying to hit on the guys in middle school and onwards I spent my time reading so called gay high school romance stories online. Over the years I got sick of the same cliched stories about some white guy who’s hotter than a model and is smarter and richer than God but can’t seem to find a boyfriend (do not want). And if they ever was ethnic diversity the characters were either walking stereotypes or fetish fuel.  It wasn’t just that these characters were often WASPS that I resent, but that they never stood up for themselves and all their problems went away once they hooked up their boyfriend, who was just a less attractive clone of them. So I decided to create my own stories were the characters to fall in love after knowing each other for a few hours and who stood up to the bullies and their parents and didn’t depend on their Prince Charming to rescue them. That in a nut shell is how the Phoenix Diaries was born. It’s my take on deconstructing a lot of these net stories interwoven with sci fi, fantasy, mystery with sarcastic nerdy humor thrown in there as well. It’s kind of a cross between Superman and the X-men with various elements from anime and manga in there. The first time posted It online i got a few review but stopped writing it due to lack of reader feedback. Since then I edited the first chapter and have up to chapter ten written. I’ve actually gotten more feed the second time I posted  and have meet some good friends in the process. One review David sent me a long ass review saying how he loved the fact the protagonist wasn’t an average white guy and how it wasn’t the trite boy meets boy plotline he use to reading. When I read his review it made me smile because that’s way I write, and hey if I can make a living doing this cool.       



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