As I’ve gotten older the lazier I seem to get. I work out, clean house, etc. But I feel like I’ve stopped challenging myself mentally. I don’t read as much as I did in my younger days, and when I do it tends to be nonfiction and news articles.

When it comes to educational programming, which  I used to suck up like a black hole, now a days most of my TV watching is filled with trashy reality shows. I feel like I’ve let myself slip and become another philistine who sits on couch and yucks it up while his brain atrophies.

I try to learn something new everyday and keep abreast of world events, but I’m finding it harder to care about learning new facts. While they’re interesting, I fail to see their utility to me.

 At the end of the day I just want to turn off my brain for awhile and forget the shitty state of the world. You can worry so much before it gets overwhelming and you have to unplug. My fear is that more often than not I’ll be tuned out and stop using my brain at all.

Writing takes up more of time as I focus more on the craft, but I feel like I’m neglecting the intellectual side of my life. I keep saying I’ll crack open my old text books and go over them to keep things fresh, but never find the time.

Does anyone else feel like they‘re on the slow march to Zombie Land?


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