To Nano or Not to Nano: The Pros and Cons of Writing a Book in One Month

Photo by  Nallely Rodriguez  on  Scopio



NaNoWriMo will begin in a few weeks, so I wanted to cover the pros and cons of it.

A Brief History of NaNoWriMo

To the uninitiated, NANoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing month, and the goal of NaNo WriMo is to write at least 50,000 words of a new work by the end of November. Every year millions of writers participate in this event and many new books are produced as a result.

NaNoWriMo began in 1999 in the San Francisco Bay area, when Chris Baty and 21 of his friends got together and decided to attempt writing a book in a month. The next year 140 people joined in, and things grew from there.

This year, I’ll be attempting a modified version of it, in which my goal is to add 35-40,000 words to the Zero Draft of Pandemonium, the sequel to Palingenesis.

But the question remains, while it’s possible to write a book in 30 days, should you? I’ll explore the pros and the cons, then let you decide for yourself.


First, it gets you writing. When you’re forced to hit a specific word count each day, you have to write. It’s that simple, but often it’s starting that writers struggle with. You sit in front the keyboard, ready to write, but nothing comes. Or you intend to write but get sucked down the rabbit hole of social media. And while this still may happen, having a concrete deadline makes it more likely you’ll get some writing done.

Second, it gives you an opportunity to connect with others and learn about their WIPS and writing process and network with potential readers and editors. One of the greatest things about NaNoWriMo is the community of readers and writers that has sprung up around it.

Some life-long friendships have been forged due to people interacting during this month, and it also introduces you to new ways of thinking about stories and how to streamline your process. Even if you don’t win, the connections you make alone are enough to attempt it at least once in your life.

Third, because your goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days, it stops you from procrastinating and editing as you write. One of the worst things new writers can do is edit as go because it slows you down and makes you second and third guess yourself.

The beauty of NaNoWriMo is you don’t have time to make things perfect before moving on, just get things down and edit it once it’s done. There’s a quote by Tara Moss that perfectly encapsulates this:

 Don’t write it right, just write it, and then make it right later.

The key to completing any novel, especially one in 30 days, is not stopping.

Fourth, you’ll have a finished draft you can work with in the coming months. Even if said draft is crap, something is better than nothing. Once you have the bones of the stories down, you can go back and fill in plot holes, add depth to characters, and in general improve the story.

Fifth, it helps you build a writing routine and teaches you how to find time to write. Ask any writer what the biggest roadblock to their writing is, and they’ll tell you it’s finding time to write.

Most writers have day jobs, and those of them with kids have even less time, so doing something like NaNoWriMo requires them to find the little spaces in life where they can write. Waiting to pick up your kids? Write. In line at the bank or grocery store? Write. Waiting in the dentist’s or doctor’s office? Write. You’ll be surprised how much those snippets add up over time.

Sixth, it teaches you to write inspired or not. Many newbie writers, myself included, believe the stars must be aligned before they can write. I’ve since learned you must write regularly, especially on the days you don’t feel like it. Otherwise, your novel will languish for years like mine did until I got my ass in gear and completed several drafts until it was publishable.

Last, even if you don’t win, you get a lot of practice writing and will be better prepared for next year. Most first novels aren’t publishable, and it takes something like five novels before a writer gets good enough to write something publishable, so you’re in good company.


First, it can lead to burnout from trying to win. As I mentioned above, most writers have other obligations to deal with and the stress of all that on top of drafting a book in 30 days could be too much to bear.

We all like to think we’re superhuman, but we can’t do everything at once, so if you’re already stretched thin, pass on NaNoWriMo.

Second, as I discovered when I attempted NaNoWriMo, it can lead you to writing anything to hit your word quota, which means bloated manuscripts that need tons of editing or rewrites. The truth is anyone can write 50,000 words of crap, but a story is as long as it needs be. So, if it’s reached its conclusion in under 50,000 words, don’t pad it. Also, don’t write random things because you’ll wind up deleting them later.

Third, it gives the false impression that first drafts are publishable and that writing a novel is easy, when it takes even seasoned writers multiple drafts to get it right. No one’s first draft is perfect, that’s why it’s called a first draft. Tis is especially true if this is your first attempt a writing a novel.

Moreover, you’ll have more work to do once edits starts. So, get rid of any idea you have of being a published author by the end of the year. Sure, you could self-edit your manuscript a few times and stick it up on Amazon. But don’t be surprised when you get low sales and bad reviews. 

Fourth, writing communities are flooded every year with newbies who will either vanish once the month’s over or who think they don’t need to learn anything. Now, I’m not against everyone trying to write, but I am against people who waste the valuable time and resources of writers’ groups and then have the nerve to get offended when people dare critique their work.

Before going to a writers’ group or participating in writing workshops or webinars, ask yourself if you’re going to learn or have your ego stroked.

Fifth, just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Like I said, writing is hard and often lonely. Moreover, most writers make a few thousand dollars or less a year from their work. Do you want to write because it’s what you’re called to do, or do only want to write so you can say you wrote a book and be praised for it? The truth is you could spend that month learning to draw, knit, or spend it with friends and loved ones.

And if you still want to write a book, then go ahead. But don’t set an impossible deadline like a month.


 As I alluded to above, rushing a book results in more subpar self-published books flooding the market, adding to the negative views people have of self-published authors and their books. While you don’t need to do as I did and spend twelve years on your book, you shouldn’t go to the other extreme either.

Books are portals to magical realms, and you debase them and yourselves by not taking the care needed to make them the best you can. Ultimately, the decision is yours but think it through. Yes, some great books have emerged from past NANoWriMO’s, but equally awful books have, too. If you’re serious about writing you can start any time, but would you want your first efforts to haunt you for the rest of your career?   

Call to Action

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think in the comments below. If you liked this post, please share it with your friends.

Also check out Palingenesis, my debut YA dark fantasy/sci-fi novel about a bullied Black boy who learns he’s evil’s chosen and must fight the devil to protect the boy and world he loves.

Writing While Black


Welcome back.

Most of us have heard of famous Black writers such as James Baldwin, W. E. B. Du Bois, Zora Neale Hurston, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison and Langston Hughes. However, few outside the Black community realize the barriers imposed on them because of their race.

White literary reviewers criticized Hurston’s work for including “stereotypical” Black characters. Moreover, some Black intellectuals of the era criticized her for using the dialect of rural Black people and including characters who were “inappropriate” and “backwards”.

Likewise, James Baldwin found the racism of white people and the homophobia of the Black community and larger society so stifling to his work that he moved to France.

And W. E. B Du Bois is simultaneously revered and reviled for his writings on race in America, particularly for his promotion of and popularizing of the talented tenth, the concept that only the top ten percent of Black people should be allowed access to higher learning and leadership positions in the Black community.

Hughes, Angelou, and Morrison also had to contend with criticism of their work through the lens of whiteness, while simultaneous being critiqued by Black intellectuals for “holding them back” by focusing on topics like slavery and racism, and for discussing the problems of the Black community publicly.  

But Black writers and content creators have always had to walk the edge of keeping it real while making a living, which often means we must choose between wanting to be authentic and wanting to make money.

If you’ve followed book twitter at all in recent years, then you know how publishing devalues Black writers and their work. Hashtag PublishingPaidMe was started by black speculative fiction writer L.L. McKinney (full disclosure: I follower her on twitter) to highlight how the publishing industry has a history of paying Black writers lower advances than their white peers.

There have also been ongoing discussions among Black writers about how agents, editors, and publishing companies have wanted us to whitewash our stories, so they appeal to a larger (read: whiter) audience. This doesn’t make sense as the majority of writers and books published are by and feature white people, as evidence by this 2019 study by lee &Low  and this 2020 study by The New York Times. So, there’s a hunger for book by and about Black people

In response, Dhonielle Clayton ( whom I also follow on twitter) and others started the We NeedDiverseBooks hashtag and the organization of the same name.

But even with efforts like this, Black writers have a hard time not only being published but taken seriously due to the unfair expectations placed on them and the preconceptions about them and their work they must deal with, which I’ll discuss next.


The greatest preconception Black writers must contend with is they aren’t as good as white writers because they aren’t as educated or skilled, and only got a seat at the table for diversity points.

Nnedi Okorafor, the Nigerian-American speculative fiction writer who also holds a PhD in English, was the subject of a backlash when she was nominated for the 2016 Hugo Award. Members of a voting bloc called the Sad Puppies, made up of mostly white males, tried to game the nominations so their favorite white male authors got all the slots.

Their campaign was ultimately unsuccessful, but this points to a larger problem: namely that Black writers and their stories are devalued. Often, we must be ten times better just to be seen on par with mediocre white writers and our work is often held to different standards.

For example if a white writer makes a mistake about depicting trans or immigrant characters, they’re given infinity chance to “grow and learn from their mistakes.” However, when Black writers make such mistakes, they are the subjects of internet harassment mobs who seek to get them fired, or threaten their lives for not using the right pronouns or getting a minor detail wrong.

  And if a book by a Black writer succeeds, it’s often because it’s written to the white gaze. We are often forced to mine our trauma as fodder for these white readers, thus that’s all that gets published and all we can write.

But Black people are more than racism, slavery, gang violence, and being poor. Our stories rang from the tragic to the heroic and everything in between. Yet, we aren’t allowed to explore this wide spectrum of experiences because only white narratives are deemed universal, and publishers can’t risk offending their base.

Yet when we point out how fucked up this is, how it’s a part of institutional racism and upholds systems of white supremacy, we pigeonholed as the angry Black man/woman and get the label: difficult to work with.

Black writers don’t have to contend with just the above. As I’ll lay out next, we also have to deal with unrealistic and unfair expectations.


As black writers, we are expected to represent the experience of all Black people. The problem with this is that’s impossible. So when we don’t do this, we get criticized for not being Black enough, or being too Black and playing into stereotypes.

The truth is there’s no one way to be Black, so of course Black writers won’t write the same types of stories or focus on the same subjects. And this is a good thing. We need stories diverse in both subject matter and narratives.

Another expectation we must deal with is the belief there can only be one famous Black writer at a time. When we query books, agents often tell us indirectly they can’t take on another book by a Black author because they’re already publishing one this cycle. Yet they have a billion books by white writers. This results in a bottle neck of books by Black, so that one Black writer is pushed forward then ignored.

Moreover, when there’s more than one writer of color trending at a time, the media will often try to pit them against each other, as though people can’t read both a book by a Black writer and one by an Asian Pacific Islander.

The truth is Black writers are expected to outperform their white peers before agents or agents will even consider them. Inclusion and diversity are just buzz words the publishing industry uses to seem woke, but time and again they’ve proven that they only care about Black folks when it’s politically and monetarily convenient.

 I and other Black writers saw this first-hand last summer when, during the height of the protests following George Floyd’s murder, agents put BLM in their bio and opened their DM’s solely to Black Writers. Flashforward a year and many of those same agents ghosted us, and they did the same thing re: Asian and  Pacific Islander writers following the Atlanta spa shootings back in March.    

Publishing talks a good game about being progressive, yet they continually pick books by white people over own vice works.


The truth is Black writers have always had to contend with barriers imposed on them by both the Black community and the larger society as a whole. Diversity in publishing and the media will continue being an issue as long as we continue playing their game. We must stop. sitting at the table if it means compromising our values and dehumanizing us.   

Hell, flip the table and make your own game. We need to write whatever we want and screw being marketable, which is just code for being palatable to the white masses.

Write your truth and fuck the haters.

Call To Action

If you’ve enjoyed this post, please like, share, and comment below. Also, join my newsletter to receive the first three chapters of my debut YA dark SFF novel.

Thirty Years Later

creative commons via wikipedia

I usually make detailed outlined for my blogs, but today I’m going to try writing from the hip.

When I first got my breathing tube at age seven, chronicled here, the doctors told me it would only be for six months.

But here I am with it still, thirty years later.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

I’ve had multiple reconstructive surgeries over the decades, but something always went wrong. After the first surgery—which involved them harvesting rib cartilage to use as a stint in my airway—my doctors were able to reverse the tracheostomy. But my airway collapsed because it hadn’t yet healed before they woke me from the medically induced coma. I had to have another tracheotomy, and when I had the next reconstructive surgery a few years later, the same as the first one, it failed too.

The third attempt involved my having a two breathing tubes, one in the throat and one down it to open my airway. It failed too, and I had another case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome due to the post operative antibiotic my doctors gave me.

I had my last reconstructive surgery at sixteen and it involved my surgeon removing a section of my windpipe where scar tissue kept forming and reconnecting it. This one worked—kind of.

Afterward, I could partially breathe through my mouth and nose, but not enough to have my breathing tube removed; my surgeon said my airway was now open, but it was twisted, and I needed a series of surgeries to straighten it out. Also, I again had an allergic reaction to the postoperative antibiotic.

Since then, the last surgery I had was at 25 to have my vocal cords unfused.

I’ve given up hope of ever getting rid of this hunk of plastic in my neck; I’ve had it for most of my life, so what’s the point of more surgeries that probably won’t work anyway?

I’ve made peace with this. It’s who I am, and I don’t want to risk destroying what ability I have to speak and breathe through my nose and mouth.

In another decade, I might revisit the issue, if medical technology has advanced to the point it’s feasible to reverse my tracheostomy.


Thanks for reading. If you liked this post, let me know in the comments. Please sign up for my newsletter, add Palingenesis on Goodreads, and if you’re inclined, you can buy a copy here.

The Road so Far: The Five Lessons Self-Publishing Palingenesis has Taught Me


Welcome readers!

 Those of you who’ve followed me on twitter awhile have heard me talk about my WIP for years, and I finally released it September 1st.

The idea for Palingenesis had been in my head since middle school, and after over a decade of working on and off it, I’ve learned many lessons, five of which I’ll explore today.

Lesson 1: Start Now!

The sooner you start writing, the faster you’ll get better. No time will ever be right, but you have to write anyway. I thought you had to know everything about writing before you could put words to the page, so I devoured every book, article, and webinar on the subject. Yet I didn’t write—at least not consistently.

I spent large chunks of my teens and twenties playing with the idea of being a writer, only writing when I was inspired or when it felt right.  If I could do it over again, I’d have started writing as soon as I could. No amount of knowledge will help you be a better writer if you don’t write. Forget shooting for perfection your first time. Write horrible first drafts and learn as you go.  And once you have a few manuscripts under your belt, you won’t completely suck.

However, as Hemingway said,

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one becomes a master.”

Lesson 2: Check Your Ego

No one starts out writing masterpieces, so be open to constructive criticism, and give yourself time to hone your skills. It takes time to get good at anything, so stay humble and accept you aren’t as good as you think you are. Trust me, I know this firsthand. I was an insufferable novice who thought I didn’t need to follow things like story beats or consistent point of view and characterization.

I got a reality check when my precious self-insert fanfic got roasted, and rightly so. No matter how good you get, there are still things to learn.  

Which leads me to my next point. Everyone won’t like what you write, and that’s okay. Don’t respond to reviews good or bad. This is considered highly unprofessionally, not to mention immature, and you don’t want to make a name for yourself as the thin-skinned author who harasses reviewers. Instead, focus on writing the best book you can, and your fans will thank you.

I know in the age of instant gratification we live in it gives us all the feels when people like and share our work, but don’t chase external validation. Your work matters regardless of whether it’s popular. Write because it’s what makes you happiest, not because it might make you rich and famous.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I’ve fantasized of my work being made into a block buster movie, as I’m sure most writers have. But the truth is we write because it’s what we’re called to do, even if we never make a dime from it.

While it’d be nice to be the next Stephen King or George RR Martin, we must keep things realistic and shoot to be the next “us.” This leads me to my next point.

Lesson 3: Don’t Compare Yourself to Other Writers

We are all at different points in the process and comparing your first book to someone’s twentieth is like comparing a pebble to Mt Everest. There are things you’re good at while others suck at and vis versa; ask a fish to act like a horse and it’ll fail but ask it to act like a fish and it’ll excel. Do what you do best and don’t try to imitate others because a facsimile can never beat the original.

Besides, other writers aren’t your competition anyway. There are enough readers for everyone to make a living; jealousy of other writers will make you bitter and distract you from your primary goal: writing and selling your work.

Ultimately, the only writer we should be comparing ourselves to is ourselves.

Lesson 4: Write First for Yourself

We must first aim to please ourselves and then readers. This means setting standards for our work. Any fuckwit with access to a computer and the internet can slap a manuscript on Amazon and call themselves an author.

But that doesn’t make them one.

First, as self-published authors we must overcome the stigma the comes with it. And that means writing a book as good, if not better than a traditionally published one, which means we can’t half-ass things. You must set standards for what you’re comfortable releasing into the world. Set them and always try to meet or surpass them.

Second, write what you’re passionate about. Don’t chase trends, because they will have passed by the time your book is ready for publication. Instead, create them. Write the books only you can. Write from the heart and it will resonate with like-minded people; they will be your hardcore fans.

Third, don’t be afraid of offending people by including politics and social issues you’re passionate about. Writing is inherently political, and some people aren’t happy unless they’re finding fault with something. As I said above, no book will be universally liked. Stay true to your values and beliefs and your book will find an audience.

Your motivation for writing has to be strong enough to weather the storms because the road to publication is a long and lonely one. Trust me, I know. 

Lesson 5: Perseverance

As I wrote here, writing, like life, is a work is progress. There were many times I’ve doubted myself and my skills and whether I should be doing something else with my life that was easier than this.

But every time I wanted to give up, my WIP called out to me to finish it. So, I kept plugging away at it. Why would I inflect this madness upon myself? Because I know a book like this would have helped me a ton had it been a round when I was a teen. I remember what it was like being a geeky, queer, Black kid in the Midwest starved for depictions of myself. So, I write for the boy I was and all the those like me.

The journey to a published book is a marathon not a sprint. Sometimes it will feel like everyone except you is getting an agent/book deal or releasing a book. I’m not gonna lie: it sucks, especially when you see authors who churn out multiple books a year, while you’ve been working on yours forever. But trust me, have patience. Keep at it and your time will come.  


Writing has been my constant companion; it’s gotten me through the deepest of depressions when just getting out of bed was a Herculean effort. And during this pandemic it’s kept me sane as I revised and edited my WIP and worked on blogs and short stories. Writing is how I make sense of myself and the world around me, and I’d be lost without it.

Writing Palingenesis has taught me so much about myself and how I want to use it to empower LGBTQ+ people of color and other marginalized folks. Wherever you’re at on the journey know it’s worth it. Don’t give up.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, please share it on social media. And if you’re inclined below is the buy link for Palingenesis.

Character Profile: Amber Turner


 Amber Kathleen-Cleaver Turner is ten-and-a-half years old, four-foot-seven and seventy-eight pounds. She has curly light brown hair, hazel eyes, and light brown skin.


  She is boy-crazy, outgoing, and friendly, but can be a total brat when she doesn’t get her way.  She’s smart but chooses to play dumb and thinks she’s a Disney Princess.


 Amber loves texting and talking with her friends and her phone is practically glued to her hands. She also likes makeup and frilly dresses, and still plays with dolls. She’s also obsessed with K-pop boy bands like BTS, EXO, and SHINee. She also loves Disney movies.


 Amber dislikes not being old enough to date, not fitting in, and being treated like a baby. She also hates that her parents won’t let her stay home alone. She also can’t stand insects and hates cats.


 Her main goal is getting a boyfriend and having her first kiss before all her friends. Also, she wants to have a separate, coed birthday party.


 Amber greatest desire is to be seen as her own person separate from her twin brother Bobby. She also doesn’t want to be treated like a little kid anymore and wants to be the most popular girl in school.


  Her greatest fear is losing her friends and being alone.

Morality/ Religious Beliefs

 Morally, Amber is lawful good and follows the rules. Religiously, She’s Catholic and tries to be on her best behavior.

Political Alignment

  If she were old enough to vote, Amber would be a democrat.


Thanks for reading and be sure to share this on social media. Next week’s post will be on the lessons I’ve learned self-publishing Palingenesis, my debut YA dark SFF novel, which is available now.

Character Profile Bobby Turner


RobertBobby” Seale Turner is 10-and-a-half years old, four-foot-seven and seventy-five pounds, with dark brown eyes and skin and finger wave black hair. He wears a durag.


 Bobby is an entitled brat and picks on Travis because he knows their parents will always take his side. He fancies himself a rapper and gangbanger.


 He’s into rap, being “street”, acting like a tough guy, and being a jerk. He also likes causing trouble, pulling pranks, and being the center of attention.


 He dislikes schoolwork, preferring video games and rapping to arithmetic and reading. He hates doing his chores and would rather spend time with his friends than stay at home. He also hates Travis because of all the attention their parents have given him over the years.


 His sole goal in life is to become a rich and famous rapper.


 Bobby craves attentions and wants money and the women that come with it.


 Bobby’s greatest fear is that one day Travis will stand up to him and kick his ass.

Morality/Religious Beliefs

  Morally, Bobby is chaotic neutral only caring about his wants and needs, disregarding the rules and doing whatever he wants. Religiously he’s Catholic, but sins during the week and gets absolution on Sundays.

Political Alignment

 If Bobby were old enough to vote he’d be a Libertarian, believing in the most freedom for himself and screw everyone else.


Thanks for reading. Next week’s post will be on Bobby’s twin sister Amber.

Call to Action

Please share this post on social media, join my mailing list, and check out my debut novel Palingenesis.

Character Profile: Sampson Tuner


 He’s six-four, 220lbs, with black hair and dark brown eyes and skin. He’s 39 and has big ears and works as an electrician with a local construction company.


 Sampson is stoic and aloof, an alpha male type. He’s a know-it-all and can be gruff, but he has a good work ethic. He’s old school when it comes to punishments and secretly resents Travis because of the trust fund his wife’s parents set up for him, while he must scrimp and save every penny just to have a rare night out. As a former lieutenant in the army corps of engineers he demands respect.


  He likes working with his hands, building things, and fixing antique cars and scooters. He also likes southern foods like corn bread, sweet potatoes, yams, ham hocks and collard greens, BBQ ribs, baked macaroni and cheese, honey glazed ham, jambalaya, red beans and rice, Beer Can chicken, and chitterlings. He also likes tinkering with electronics and is a ham radio enthusiast.


 Sampson dislikes anyone who looks down upon him or underestimates his intelligence because he’s Black and works construction. He also dislikes people assuming he went into the army because he wasn’t smart enough to get into college, when he actually has a master’s in electrical engineering. He hates lazy people and people who game the system and make hard working folks like him look bad.


  Sampson’s primary goal is raising his kids to be productive members of society. Second, is keeping Travis in the dark about his powers as long as he can. Third, he wants to make enough money to live comfortably instead of barely making ends meet.


Sampson desires to be respected and valued by his coworkers, to make it into the upper middle class and to live out his golden years in luxury, travelling the world with his wife.


  Sampson’s greatest fears are (1) his wife cheating on him or divorcing him, (2) being destitute, and (3) Travis learning about his powers and the full extent to which Sampson and his wife allowed the government to experiment on Travis.

Morality/ Religious Beliefs

  Morally, Sampson is lawful good. He follows the rules, even when they don’t make sense, or he doesn’t agree with them. Religiously, he’s Methodist but only goes to church on the major holidays.

Political Alignment

  Sampson is a centrist democrat, conservative on fiscal matters, liberal on some social issues like gay rights, while conservative on others like abortion.


Thanks for reading this post and share it on social media with your friends. Next week’s post will profile Travis’s sister Amber.

Call to Actions

Be sure to sign up to my mailing list for exclusive updates and snippets of my writing. My birthday’s This Friday, so if you haven’t already, pick up your copy of Palingenesis today!

Palingenesis Book Announcement


The tie has finally arrived. Palingenesis releases today, and I couldn’t be more excited you all to dive into this book.

The idea for this story has been stuck in my head since middle school, some 20+ years ago. I’ve been working on this book sporadically for the past 12 years. But it was until the pandemic hit that I got the impetus to finish and release it.

As my amazing editor—Charlie Knight (they/them)—can attest to, this book required a lot of TLC. But after a complete rewrite and multiple revisions, I’m proud of my book baby. I can’t wait for you to meet Travis, Josh, and Pro and have all the feels.

Here’s the blurb:

Hell has no fury like a seventh-grader scorned.

Twelve-year-old Travis Turner fought the devil and won . . . barely. But evil never dies, and now he must master his supernatural abilities before Oblivion grows strong enough to defeat him and jump-start the apocalypse.

However, Travis’s powers cause genome instability, leaving him only months to live if it’s not reversed.

He’s resigned to dying, until JJ Giovanni, the cocky redhead who’s bullies him for years, befriends him.

As their relationship intensifies, so do Travis’s powers, until he’s called to a cave, where he learns truths that forever change him.

To save the people he loves, the world and himself, Travis must let go of all he knows and embrace the hero within.

For fans of Buffy, The X-Men, and Shonen anime/manga.

You can buy Palingenesis at the following universal buy link here.

Review: These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong

These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

These Violent Delights by Chole Gong, is a fantasy retelling of Rome & Juliet set in 1920s Shanghai. In this version, Roma Montagov is heir to the White Flower Gang, and Juliette Cai is heir to the Scarlet Gang; these gangs have been in a blood feud for years and Roma and Juliette are lovers-turned-enemies forced together to solve the mystery of a madness sweeping through the city that causes people to claw out their throats.

I wanted to like this book, but it just didn’t do it for me. I will say the prose was gorgeous, poetic and at times lyrical. And I loved the interaction between Roma and Juliette and Marshall and Benedikt. However, this wasn’t enough to overcome the books many shortcomings.

First, it wasn’t until 100 pages in that plot picked up, then it crept along at a glacial pace. Events would happen, then you’re forced to slog through tons of exposition that had little to no relevance to the plot. I get world building is a thing, but if you’re going to info dump, make it interesting.

Second, this book drags on. It rightly could have been cut in half and you wouldn’t notice it. So many of the scenes/chapters are spent with characters sitting around discussing things that have no bearing on the plot. Politics and social commentary, when done well, are a joy to read, but in this case, I was bored to tears waiting for something to happened. The only reason I didn’t DNF was because of Benedikt and Marshall’s scenes. But by the 60% mark, I started skimming the pages.

Third, there were too many POV characters. Don’t get me wrong. I love books with more than one POV character, when they are done well. In the case of These Violent Delights, outside of Roma, Juliette and Benedikt and Marshall, the other POVs weren’t needed and in the case of Tyler Cai’s lone section, it added nothing that couldn’t have been incorporated into Juliette’s chapters/sections.

Ultimately, by the last 20% of the book I didn’t care who the Larkspur was, who the monster was, or what happened to the main characters.

I also, saw the setup for a sequel coming, but was still angry when the book ended on a massive cliffhanger.

Overall, this felt more like a second or third draft than a finished book. I loved the concept, but it lacked a ton in the execution. If I do read the sequel, I’ll rent it from the library.

I give These Violent Delights 2.0 out of 5 stars. Rent this one from your library or buy when it’s on sale.

View all my reviews

Character Profile Sarah Turner


 Sarah Sophia Turner nee Aurum is thirty-two, five-six, 140 pounds, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.


  She is pretentious, haughty, and money hungry. She often dreams up get rich quick schemes that fail and is a lotto addict.

Sarah can be cold and distant, especially when money is tight. She’s also quick to anger and holds grudges easily. As the only child of Marshall and Helena Aurum, she grew up having anything she wanted, and now that she has to live on a budget, she resents being lower middle class. She and her mother rarely talk since she disowned Sarah for marrying Sampson Turner and having Travis young.  


 Sarah likes window shopping at luxury stores and dreaming about one day affording said items. She’s also fond of old shows and movies that remind her of her lavish childhood. Sarah also likes dolphins and has a dolphin pendent, which Sampson gave her for their first anniversary. Also, she likes money, power, and being in charge, and is addicted to watching all those real housewives of . . . shows and reading bodice rippers.


Sarah dislikes when people question her authority, disrespect her, or make her feel like she’s not good enough. She hates anything that reminds her she’s not rich or as powerful as she ought to be.  


  Sarah’s primary goal is becoming wealthy, through any means necessary. Second to this is keeping her family together until the twins graduate college. Third, is becoming the head of the nursing department and head of AP Prep’s PTA.


  Sarah’s primary desire is to be rich and not have to ever work again. Second, is keeping her kids safe. Third, making sure Travis never finds out about his powers and what she and her husband allowed the government to do to him.


Her greatest fear is losing everything and being homeless. She also fears Travis finding out about his powers and the harm he could do.

Morality/Religious Beliefs

 Morally, Sarah is lawful neutral; she follows the laws she agrees with, ignores those she doesn’t, and puts the needs of herself and her family above all others.

Religiously, she is Catholic and attends Mass when her job allows time for it.

Political Alignment

  Sarah is a conservative democrat; she’s liberal on fiscal matters but leans to right on social issues like abortion, same-sex marriage, and trans rights.


Thanks for reading. Next week’s post will be all about my book release details. Then I’ll resume the next post in this series on Sampson Turner, Travis’s father.

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Character Profile: Cain Giovanni


He’s in his thirties with fiery-red hair, which he keeps in a Caesar cut with a trimmed beard. He’s six-four and 220 pounds of pure muscles, with green eyes and swarthy skin. 


While sophisticated, he holds boorish opinions on things like gender norms, gender identity and sexual orientation, believing men should be men and women should be women.

He’s highly critical of those around him, expecting only the best. He’s also an ass when it comes to his job as an investment banker, often going out of his way to screw over his competitors and seize assets in hostile takeovers.

He’s best described as a bully and is hard on Josh because he believes his son is “soft”.


Cain likes cigars, whiskey, and fast food. When not working, he likes to exercise and watch old gangster movies.  He loves power and fame and can never get enough of either. He also loves sex and has several mistresses across the globe who he hooks up with while on business trips. He also likes traditional gender roles, believing women should stay at home and tend to the children. He also loves hunting and fishing when he has the time. Cain’s also a fan of the police and military.


 Cain dislikes anything that can be described as ‘woke” and “progressive,” and hates anything to do with social justice. He thinks BLM and LGBTQ+ rights are a bunch of nonsense and that anyone who believes in them are traitors to the country. He also hates anyone who says, “happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.”


Cain’s primary goal is gaining enough power, money and fame to take over the world. Second, he wants to mold Josh into a suitable heir, then marry him off to a good family to produce grandchildren.

Desires:  Cain desires sex, adoration, power, and money.


His greatest fears are being ignored, losing his wealth and power, and never succeeding in his plan for world domination.

Morality/ Religious beliefs

 Cain is Neutral evil and will achieve his goals by any means necessary. He’s a lapsed Catholic and aside from Josh’s baptism and first communion, he hasn’t attended church in decades.

Political Alignment: He’s an outright fascist.


Thanks for reading, please share this post on social media if you liked it. Next week’s post will be a profile of Travis’s mother Sarah Sophia Turner.

Call to Action

Preorders for Palingenesis, my debut YA SFF novel about evil’s chosen one and his boyfriend, are available NOW!

Character Profile: Lilith Giovanni


Lilith has platinum blonde hair, hazel eyes, and fair skin. She is five-one and 105 pounds, and often wears heels and designer dresses. She’s in her thirties.


She is snobby, condescending, ambitious, and driven. She is also ruthless when it comes to getting what she wants, and critical of everyone, including Josh.

A shopaholic, she has a taste for the finer things in life and can be best described as a grown-up mean girl.


She likes going to the opera and the Detroit Institute of Art. She’s fond of red wine and shoes, the latter of which she has hundreds of pairs.

She also likes power and being in charge, and loves her job as an investment banker, where she revels in crushing her competition. While she is hard on Josh, she does love him in her own way—as she does her husband.


She dislikes sweating, camping, or doing anything where she can’t get cell reception. She also a neat freak and germaphobe, who dislikes poor people, believing they’re lazy and should be dealt with.

Lilith also dislikes any negative attention brought on her and her family. She absolutely hates being belittled.


Her primary goal is to be the best at her job to maintain her lifestyle. Second, she wants to maintain her image as mother of the year. Third, she wants to become famous and expand her influence in the world.


Lilith desires power, individuality, and control over her life. She also wants Josh to become a respectable man.


Her greatest fear is being powerless and finding herself enslaved by another. Also, she fears being poor and losing face in her social circle. She also fears something happening to Josh.

Morality/Religious Beliefs

Morally she is neutral evil and believes gaining power is the most important thing in life and will use any method to achieve this goal. While an atheist, she raised Josh to be Catholic.

Political Alignment

She is an authoritarian with fascist leanings.


Thanks for reading. Next week’s post will be Cain Giovanni, Josh’s father.

Call to Action

If you enjoyed this post, please share it on social media. Also Palingenesis is now available for preorder at the link below and releases September 1st.

Grams Character Profile


She has grey hair with pale blue eyes, and a heart-shaped face. She’s seventy-seven, five-foot two, and ninety pounds. Her full name is Helena Troy Ziglar-Aurum, and she’s the richest woman in the world, owing to her being the oldest of the Ziglar children and heiress to the Cadmus fortune.  She has a hunch due to having polio as a child.


 She’s fiercely protective of her loved ones but has a legendary temper and will hold grudges for years. Old-school and no-nonsense, she says what’s on her mind with little regard for people’s feeling. When she was younger, she was a big tomboy, preferring climbing trees and going hunting to playing dolls and having tea parties. She’s also a reformed racist and tries to keep up with current events like LGBTQ+ rights and BLM.


She likes her mystery novels and watching movies from her childhood on the Classic Movie Channel. She’s also fond of horses and has several on the Aurum Estate, along with a few pugs and cockatoos to keep her company. Helena is passionate about helping others and attends several charity events each month, and when not doing that, she plays bridge with her friends and takes salsa lessons on the weekends. She also knits and crochets clothes for her family and friends Her favorite person in the world is Travis.


Helena hates rude people and people who think they’re better than everyone just because they’re wealthy. She also has a long-standing feud with Travis’s mother, her daughter and only child, and their fights are epic. She also hates how Travis’s parents treat him and how they allowed the DMRC to experiment on him.  Her biggest pet peeve is fake people who only act nice to her because of her vast fortune.


Helena’s primary goal is enjoying her golden years and using her money to do the greatest good. Second, she wants to spend time with her loved ones, such as her great nephew Austin and grandson Travis. She also wants to find a suitable successor to run her businesses until Travis comes of age to assume control of them.


 Helena wants to undo all the evil her husband and his friends have caused over the years. She also wants Travis to use his powers for good.


 She fears not having enough time with her loved ones and not being able to counteract her husband’s evildoings. Helena also fears whomever she chooses as her successor will use their wealth and power for nefarious means and all the work she did will be for naught.

 Morality/ Religious Belief

 Morally, she’s chaotic good and follows her own code of conduct with little regard for what the law says. Religiously, she’s Protestant and goes to church several times a week. She’s very serious about her faith.

Political Alignment

Helena is an east coast liberal elite who favors libertarian values like individualism and freedom of choice and association.


Thanks for reading. Next week’s post will be on Josh’s parents.

Call to Action

Palingenesis is now available for preorder and you can pick up a copy at the link below.

Character Profile: Oblivion

Description: Oblivion’s true form would drive people mad if they glimpsed it, so he often appears to Travis either as him with all his color drained or a giant, seven-headed, red dragon. He is ageless, having existed since before the universe began.

 Personality:  He is a bit of a curmudgeon, snobbish, and haute. He has a superiority complex and is quick to anger when he feels slighted. He’s also a Machiavellian chess master, often bending the truth or outright lying to turn people to his side.

Likes:  He likes powers, control, and sowing seeds of chaos and doubt in the minds of other. He delights in turning people’s soul evil and causing strife.

Dislikes:  Oblivion hates being imprisoned in the Nullverse and being made to feel impotent. He also dislikes being disrespected by his inferiors, and having his time wasted.

Goals:  His primary goal is getting Travis to fulfill his destiny, so that he will be free of the Nullverse. Second, is exacting revenge on those who exiled him to the Nullverse. And in general, he wants to gather as many souls as possible by corrupting them through their dreams.

Desires:  Oblivion desires power, and the freedom that comes with it, above all else.

Fears:  He fears being powerless and never being free from the Nullverse.

Morality/ Religious Beliefs: Oblivion is chaotic evil, beholden to no laws or moral code, only caring about himself and causing as much pain and suffering as he can. The only thing he values is power, believing it is the destiny of the strong to prey upon the weak.

 Political Alignment: He is an authoritarian, believing might makes rights and has no scruples about using any method to achieve his goals.         

Review: I Wish You All the Best

I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I Wish You All the Best, by Mason Deaver, is a YA contemporary romance and coming of age novel about Ben De Backer, a high school senior who is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.
After coming out to their parents, they are kicked out in the middle of winter and go to live with their older sister Hanna and her husband Thomas.

At Ben’s new school they are befriend by Nathan Allen, and they soon develop feelings for him. However, Ben isn’t out to Nathan or anyone else at school.

I loved this book, and though I’m cis, Ben’s journey to accepting their self and dealing with their anxiety, depression, and issues of self love and self worth resonated with me as I’ve struggled with those issues too.

Also, the way they overthought things, were super self conscious, and how they expected the worst gave me flashbacks of my teen years.

I loved the voice in this; it was as though Ben was telling it right to me. But have a few issues. I found some of Ben’s actions stupid/borderline selfish such as how they resented Hanna for abandoning them when she left home or how they didn’t tell her about the message from their mom and their meeting with their parents.

Also, I felt Nathan’s character did veer into manic pixie dream boy and magical negro territory at times. Nathan spends the bulk of the book trying to get Ben out of his shell and being his emotional support. Aside from his being comedic relief, hot, and liking books (which he’s never shown reading), there isn’t much to his character. And most of the other characters get the same superficial treatment. Besides Ben and Nathan, Mariam, Ben’s nonbinary Muslim vlogger friend, is the only character who’s given depth.

The ending also felt a bit rushed.

Overall, I did enjoy this book and highly recommend it. I give I Wish You All the Best four out of five stars.

View all my reviews