Social media, the internet, and technology are great,
But now we live our lives in a world of screens;
Big ones, small one, even ones we wear.
But in this interconnected world have we forgotten how to care about anything but our screens?
It’s gotten quite obscene the way we no longer interact with each other.
The beauty of the world around us goes unseen,
While we like, retweet, and react to the latest meme
or demean the latest target of the cyber gestapo for daring to go against the established flow.
We’ve become so addicted to our screens we’ve become afflicted with maladies such as text thumb and neck.
Heck, it’s even affecting the way we sex,
From sexting to Netflix and chill.
Our society is ill,
And the only remedy is to put down our devices
And treat them like the vices they’ve become
Before we all go blind, deaf, and dumb,
Numb to everything but our screens.
Instead of looking something up, use your memory.
And if you want to communicate with people then don’t hesitate.
Call them or even better,
Write them a letter.
Stop swiping right, go out and enjoy a night on the town,
Before all the clubs shut down.
As for me,
I’ve had my fill of screens
And will do more to enjoy the analog world.
If you know what I mean,
Then put down your screens.
Ya feel me, dog?