Review: Tristan Strong Keeps Punching

Tristan Strong Keeps Punching by Kwame Mbalia

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Tristan Strong Keeps Punching is the third entry in Kwame Mbalia’s middle grade fantasy series inspired by African American and West African folklore. Picking up a few weeks after book two, Tristan must track down the missing Alkean inhabitants and children with fragments of Alke’s story woven within them, while trying to defeat the haint King Cotton and his Redliners, who want to take over the world and make it a safe space for them and their racist hateful views.

This time around, Tristan must deal with anger issues and questioning whether he’s worthy of still being an Anasesem and the Alkean Gods’ champion.

This time around, Tristan must deal with anger issues and questioning whether he’s worthy of still being an Anasesem and the Alkean Gods’ champion.

I don’t know what happened between the last book and this one, but I found Tristan to be so annoying. He constantly ran off halfcocked, ignoring everyone’s advice not to go off alone, and put himself and others in danger. And he suffers no consequences for his actions.

I get the adults are useless trope exists in middle grade and young adult novel for a reason, but just once I wished Tristan would have listened, instead of thinking he knew better. I could have excused this as his being only twelve-years-old, had he learned form his actions, but he doesn’t at all. And the only reason he survives is because of plot armor.

I also felt the romance Mbalia is setting up for Tristan and Ayanna wasn’t needed at all and it came off as an afterthought.

I will say Tristan’s sense of humor, which hooked me, was on showcase here, but those moments were rare as he spends mostly of the story complaining about things as though that alone will change things.

Overall while I did enjoy this book, I liked it much less than the other entries in the series. But I’m hopeful to see where the series goes next now that there is an army of kids with Alkean magic other there to be found and trained.

I give Tristan Strong Keeps Punching 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. If you liked the previous entries in the series, then check this one out. But know that it’s nowhere as light or funny, and Tristan can work your last nerve with his complaining.

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Review: American Carnage

Directed by Diego Hallivis and written by Diego and Jorge Hallivis, American Carnage(2022) is a horror movie starring Jenna Ortega (Camila) from Wednesday and Scream 5, Jorge Lenedeborg Jr. (JP), and Allen Maldonado (Big Mac) as the children of undocumented immigrants who find themselves arrested after their governor signs an executive order cracking down on illegal immigration.

The movie focuses on JP trying to find his sister Lily (Yumarie Morales) after they are arrested and sent to separate holding facilities. While awaiting trial, JP’s court-appointed lawyer tells him about an elder care program, EATU, which if he completes, ICE will drop all charges against him. JP agrees and soon discovers all is not as it seems, and he must escape before being killed.

While the premise seemed interesting, it lacked in executions. JP and the other characters were flat, and the movie was predictable to the point of being boring. I saw all the twists coming and even the gore was underwhelming.

I will say it was nice seeing a horror movie through the lens of the undocumented immigrant experience. But I felt the antagonists came off as cartoonishly evil and the movie felt preachy at times. Overall, it was forgettable, mid, and left me saying, “Meh,” once the credits rolled.

I give American Carnage (022) 3 out of five stars. Only check this out if there’s nothing better on or you need to kill some time, otherwise skip it.   

Review: Dark Star by Arch Hunter

Dark Star by Arch Hunter

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Short and sweet but lacking depth.

Dark Star by Arch hunter is a short young adult LGBTQ+ romance novel that follows sixteen-year-old Tyler, the son of a conservative politician, who develops a sudden crush on his classmate Rufus and then must choose between being with his homophobic popular friends or being true to himself and pursuing his feeling for Rufus.

Overall, I like the story and thought Tyler and Rufus were well-rounded characters; however, I thought the other characters weren’t as developed and came off as one-dimensional.

I also thought the ending was abrupt and left a lot of questions unanswered. With a bit more editing this could have been a 5-star book. But as it stands, I give Dark Star three out of five stars.

Definitely check this out if you’re looking for a short, fun read.

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Woman with red lipstick painting

You’re not fine,

You’re losing your mind

Cuz this world ain’t kind

To the neurodivergent inclined.

Now you’re in a bind,

Cuz you’ve fallen behind

And there’s no time to rewind

And reassess.

Now you’re pressed,

Staring into the abyss,

Feeling worthless,

Wishing your brain hurt less.

You’re a mess,

Searching for a purpose,


For meaning in the meaningless.

You stay stressed,

Proving you’re best

And will accept 

Nothing less than



You’re in overachiever Hell.

Take a rest.

You’re unwell.

Internet Famous

image by Antony Trivet via

Like, share, repost.

Every day we do the most

Playing their game,

Chasing internet fame.

All for companies who 

don’t know our names,

Who got us digging our grave.

We clowning on main,

Going insane,

Tap dancing like slaves.

As they 

Pulling our strings.

We ready to give up the ghost,

Just to see whose post

Gets liked the most.

Social media got folks

Going for broke

 Just to stoke

The flames of Capitalism.

Here’s a dose of realism:

We’re living in a technological 

Oligarchical dystopia. 

Bruh, we’re biological


We inhabit ephemeral bodies,

But seek to be eternal.

We say we love our fellow man.

But on the other hand,

We reduce everything to numismatics.

Here’s my syllogism:

We’re so addicted to 

Getting clicks

We don’t get

How much it’s making us sick, 

See how it’s making us pricks.

All for billionaire gits,

Who give no shits

As we slit our wrists,

So our name’s atop an arbitrary list.


image by Miguel Carro Pombo via

I take pills, 

So I know what’s real. 

Pills, so I won’t kill 


But these pills  

don’t let me feel 


I take pills

So I don’t seize,  

So I don’t  sneeze, 

So my heart beats with ease, 

And I don’t keel 


Pills to lower 

My cholesterol,  

To improve my mood overall. 

I take pills so my 

Blood sugar falls. 

Y’all, I’mma be real. 

I’m sick of pills. 

Fuck White Supremacy

image by Isaac brady via

There’s no excuse 

For your abuse. 

You’re human refuse. 

I refuse  

to be used 

To sooth 

Your bruised 


I am not your negro. 

I am not your hoe. 

No, my fro 

Ain’t public property. 

Us Black folks  

Ain’t a joke. 


My body  

Ain’t an curio  

For you to peruse,   

Then throw away  

When you through. 

My pain isn’t a commodity. 

My humanity isn’t a cafeteria. 

You can’t pick and choose  

Which parts of me to use  

And which to refuse. 

With all due respect 

I reject your defected 

Infected white supremacist  

World view. 

Screw you. 

Review: The Coven of Zora #1

Rising by L.D. Valentine

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rough around the edges but a delightful story with likeable characters and an engaging plot

Rising (The Coven of Zora #1) by L D Valentine is a queer fantasy novel about a multiracial group of gay young adults who each control a different element and use spells.

The book centers on Xavier, an 18-year-old gay Navajo guy whose introduction into the world of magic involves watching a demon kill his uncle, and it almost killing him. Xavier controls fire and becomes the leader of his coven of 6 males witches, all of whom are gay. He struggles with magic and feelings of self-worth, inadequacy, and trust issues.

After Zora recruits him and the others, they train a bit then begin going on demon-killing missions, and it’s on one such mission that Xavier meets Alexander Kiras, Scion of House Asmodai, one of the four major demonic houses.

Alexander reveals he’s been killing off witches before a full coven could form and is intrigued how he missed Xavier’s coven; he also expresses his carnal interest in Xavier. Alexander then begins a cat and mouse game with Xavier and his coven, leading to a final confrontation between him and Xavier.

I liked Xavier a lot and thought he was Black until he mentioned being Navajo. I also thought Nate, Danny, Max, and the other characters were interesting but not as fleshed out as they could be. Also, the relationship between Xavier and Adam, who controls water, was okay but came off as a bit tacked on.

But it was nice to see a group of queer superheroes on the page.

My biggest complaints and what I feel keep this from being a 5-star book are the clunky dialogue and sentences and the ending which was very anticlimactic and abrupt. However, these issues were only minor, and I can’t wait for the next in the series to be released.

I give Rising (The Coven of Zora #1) 4.0 (rounded up from 3.8) stars. Definitely check this out if you enjoy action-packed fantasy with diverse queer leads.

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Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lush prose, engaging characters, but did not live up to the hype.

A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1) by Sarah J Maas is a fantasy romance novel that follows 19-year-old Feyre, the youngest daughter of a wealthy family turned destitute, who accidentally kills a fearie while out hunting one day. She is then whisked away to the Spring Fearie Court, where she must adapt or perish.

While I enjoyed this book, it wasn’t without issues.

First, the beginning is very slow and info dumpy and I was tempted to DNF because of the glacial pace.

Second, the court intrigue, or the lack there of. I expected Game of Thrones level backstabbing and plotting, but there was barely any intrigue, court or otherwise. And what there was, I found underwhelming.

That said, I will read the next in the series with hopes the court intrigue intensifies.

I give A Court of Thorns and Roses 4.0 out of 5.0. If you go into it without super-high expectations, and you’ll love it.

View all my reviews

10 new Terms for the New year*

Image by Nichole Honeywill via


Everyone is familiar with common euphemisms such as law enforcement officers, administrative assistants, and sanitation engineers. To further clarity and reduce offense, I have proposed a new series of such terms. Look them over and share your thoughts.

1. calorically challenged: As opposed to “fat,” “overweight,” and “obese” which carry negative connotations — especially for the latter, which sounds like a disease — this term reflects the reality that most people struggle with their weight due to issues with their caloric intake versus output.

2. coitus technician: “Prostitute” and “hooker” are such dirty words and belies the expertise and craftsmanship that’s involved in sex work. Also, because prostitution is legal in Nevada, this term reflects they are professionals like any other working person.

3. sexual explorer: “Slut” is a troublesome word because of the double standard attached to its use and the shaming that goes along with it. However, sexual explorer conjures up images of sophistication, liberated sexuality, and fun.

4. augmented reality specialist: Unlike “actor,” this term is gender neutral and describes the modern state of acting as more computer generated content replaces the need for people.

5. truth dilation and contraction management: While it’s often joked politicians are professional liars, especially in the post “alternative facts” era, this term better describes their behavior. All campaigns are about crafting a narrative for the candidate by exaggerating the positives and suppressing the negatives.

6. an aesthetically acquired taste: This is a much better term than “ugly” or “homely” and reflects that beauty is subjective and there’s someone out there who will like you for you.

7. financially marginalized: This term is much better than “poor” and encompasses the full spectrum of our economic strata.

8. job insecure: This doesn’t have the baggage of “unemployed” and sounds more pleasing to the ear. It’s also reflective of the often uncertain job landscape.

9. Technophobic: Much better than “Luddite” or “troglodyte” and accurately describes the fear many people have of embracing new technology.

10. non-melanated: This has none of the contentious history of “white,” is better descriptively, and centers BIPOC.

*Note: The above is satire.

The Gay Hate Agenda


Over the last several years, violence against The LGBTQ community has been on the rise in America and abroad. Conservative groups such as A Million Moms, Moms For Liberty, The Proud Boys, and others have engaged in sustained efforts to disrupt and ban events like Drag Story Time and family-friendly drag shows.

Conservative groups and have also tried banning books containing LGBTQ+ characters or content under the tired and false claim that the LGBTQ+ community is trying to groom children and reading about/seeing queer people will “make kids gay.” And when local communities push back against these efforts, instead of conceding to the will of the people, these groups double down, increasingly showing up armed.

When libraries refuse to remove LGBTQ+ books or cancel Drag Story Time, they often face criticism from these groups and others, up to and including efforts to defund said libraries, as in Jamestown Township, a small community in the western part of Michigan, my home state.

But these groups haven’t acted alone. Politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert have repeatedly said and tweeted anti LGBTQ+ things. And on the local level, politicians and council members have sought to limit or outright ban Drag Story Time and any book with LGBTQ+ content, claiming they violate obscenity and decency laws.

But they aren’t alone. The media gets in on this gay hate agenda too.

Conservative commenters like Tucker Carlson have gone on air spewing anti-trans lies about how liberals what sex ed taught to kindergarteners or want to take away parents’ rights regarding whether their trans children take hormone blockers or get gender confirmation surgery.

And when people like JK Rowling and Helena Bonham Carter or other celebrities say, do, or post transphobic things or boost anti-trans comments and voices, reporters often don’t point out the misinformation and lies.

 Instead, they frame the story as a debate.

The problem with this is it gives legitimacy to this gay hate agenda. When it comes to human rights—yes, trans rights are human rights—there is no debate when one side believes the other side shouldn’t exist.

All of this hate hurled toward the trans and queer communities reached a critical point last November when an assailant entered Club Q; the only LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado Springs, CO; armed with an AR-15 and opened fire, killing five and injuring twenty-five.  

And more recently police arrested a man in Florida for threatening to kill 100 LGBTQ+ students at Florida State University. He claimed, “It was a joke.”

Running through all this is a unifying thread, the belief in the so-called gay agenda; that the LGBTQ+ community here and elsewhere want to “turn people queer,” by indoctrinating children, and grooming them for sexual assault.  

This is false.

Studies show 80-90% of all known child sex offenders are cis males. Child sex abuse statistics also show that almost one-third of  children are assaulted by a family member. For children under the age of six, 50% of the abusers are someone in the family. For victims aged 12 to 17 the percentage drops to 23%. Stats also point to no tangible link between homosexuality and pedophilia, despite some assertions (Darkness to Light).

So no, random LGBTQ+ folks aren’t the ones you need to look out for. It’s your friends and family. The simple fact is Carlson et al. are fear mongering and pushing their gay hate agenda.

Textbook Hypocrisy

First, learning about, reading and seeing LGBTQ+ people doesn’t sexualize children any more than learning about straight folks does. And the hypocrisy of A Million Moms et al. with this is appalling. They have no issue with depictions of straight couples in 99.999% of the media, but let there be a same-sex couple or a same-sex kiss on screen and they lose their minds.

Yet these are some of the same people who have no problem with things like child beauty pageants, or insinuating kindergarteners are in romantic relationships with each other, if said couple is straight. They are also the ones who often complain about having the gay agenda shoved down their throats, yet have no issues pushing their views on others re: religion, which brings me to my next point.

These people try to mask their bigotry behind religion, yet they pick and choose which parts of the Bible to follow. I’m reminded of the scene from West Wing where President Bartlet and conservative commenter Dr. Jenna Jacobs get into an argument about homosexuality and the Bible. President Bartlet points out all the other laws in Leviticus and elsewhere that Christians like Dr. Jacobs ignore while zeroing in on Lev 18:22 to further their gay hate agenda.

Such laws prohibit wearing clothes of blended fabrics; eating shellfish, pork, or any animal with cloven feet; or marking your body (Lev 19:19, Lev 1:1-47, Lev 19:28). The Bible also establishes the criteria for who you can enslave and for how long, such as selling your daughter into slavery (Exodus 21:7).

The excuse given for this is that Jesus changed things with his death and resurrection. However, Jesus is quoting multiple times throughout the News Testament saying Old Testament Law still applies (Matthew 5:17-20).

Yet, they completely ignore everything Jesus said about helping the stranger and, the least among you, not pushing your religion on others, the beatitudes, and being overly pious for show (Matthew 5-7).

But even if their interpretation of The Bible is right, it doesn’t matter.

 Because The US and most other Western countries are in fact secular nations, so no religion can force their views on non-believers.

We Are a Secular Nation

 “…Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”—The First Amendment.

The entire point of the 1st Amendment was to prohibit the government from telling its citizens what they could say, what they could write, who they associate with, and who and how they could worship. Thus, Madison et al. added the establishment clause, and why Jefferson wrote in a letter to the Danbury Baptists Association that:

“…Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”

And it’s this fundamental misunderstanding of the 1st amendment regarding religion and free speech that is at the core of the gay hate agenda. They believe their interpretation of their religion should take precedence.


 You have a right to your views, but you don’t have a right to force them on others. If you don’t want your children to read books with gay or trans characters, go to Drag Story Time, or a family-friendly drag shows, then don’t take them. But you don’t get to take that choice away from others, especially when these stories give many kids the representation they desperately need.

Representation Matters

Whether it’s politicians pushing bills to ban trans youth from using the bathroom that comports with their gender identity, or draconian laws that would ban trans athletes from participating in sports and subject them and others to inspections of their genitalia from adult strangers if someone suspects them of being trans, to the above efforts to ban books with LGBTQ+ content; at every turn, the adults claiming to care about the welfare of children are the same one demonizing them if they aren’t cis and heterosexual.

So many LGBTQ+ kids feel unseen and not worthy of love, respect, and dignity because their communities send them the message, they are wrong, confused, don’t know they’re LGBTQ+; and even if they do, their lives don’t matter.

Therefore, healthy, three-dimensional depictions of queer folks are important. Not just for queer kids and teens, but for everyone else.  

Facts and Figures

Studies have shown reading books increases empathy and emotional intelligence, and that reading about characters from marginalized communities increases empathy toward those communities.

Studies have also shown seeing positive depictions of LGBTQ+ people helps kids come to terms with their gender identity and sexuality sooner. This is the reason there appears to me more LGBTQ+ people now. Because they feel more comfortable coming out and doing it sooner because it’s less stigmatized now. And not because the queer community is “turning people gay.”

Per the Mayo Clinic’s website:

“Most children between ages 18 and 24 months can recognize and label gender groups. They may identify others as girls, women or feminine. Or they may label others as boys, men or masculine. Most also label their own gender by the time they reach age 3.

However, society tends to have a narrow view of gender. As a result, some children learn to behave in ways that may not reflect their gender identity. At age 5 or 6, most children are rigid about gender and preferences. These feelings tend to become more flexible with age.”

And per a article:

“In a 2020 study of transgender adults, 73% of transgender women and 78% of transgender men reported that they first experienced gender dysphoria by age seven.”

And according to research conducted by Gilbert Herdt, PhD, Executive Director of the National Centers on Sexuality at San Francisco State University, and Martha K. McClintock, PhD, David Lee Shillinglaw Distinguished Service Professor in Psychology at the University of Chicago, stated in their study “The Magical Age of 10,” published in the Dec. 2000 issue of Archives of Sexual Behavior:

“Accumulating studies from the United States over the past decade suggest that the development of sexual attraction may commence in middle childhood and achieve individual subjective recognition sometime around the age of 10. As these studies have shown, first same-sex attraction for males and females typically occurs at the mean age of 9.6 for boys and between the ages of 10 and 10.5 for girls.”

My point being is people often know their LGBTQ+ as kids and therefore queer representation is so important as they are going through these formative years to know they aren’t wrong, aren’t an abomination for who they love or what gender they identity or express themselves as.

I know this from a personal standpoint as I came of age in the late ‘90s and early 2000s, when being LGBTQ+ was much less accepted than it is now and there were few positive portrayals of queer people in the media and even fewer of Black queer folks like me. And because of this, I struggled with coming to terms with my sexuality and often thought of suicide.

And I know I’m not alone.

A 2022 national survey of 34,00 youth between 13 and 24 by The Trevor Project found:

  • 45% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the last year
  • LGBTQ youth who felt high social support from their family reported attempting suicide at less than half the rate of those who felt low or moderate social support.
  • LGBTQ youth who found their school to be LGBTQ-affirming reported lower rates of attempting suicide.
  • LGBTQ youth who live in a community that is accepting of LGBTQ people reported significantly lower rates of attempting suicide than those who do not.
  • 60% of LGBTQ youth who wanted mental health care in the past year were not able to get it.
  • Fewer than 1 in 3 transgender and nonbinary youth found their home to be gender-affirming.
  • 14% of LGBTQ youth attempted suicide in the past year.

(Including nearly 1 in 5 transgender and nonbinary youth and 1 in 10 cisgender youth.)

The stats don’t lie. When LGBTQ+ kids feel safe and supported, their mental health improves and they’re less likely to harm themselves.  

 The proponents of the gay hate agenda believe the opposite. They believe I and other LGBTQ+ people are trying to groom their kids, trying to brainwash them into mutilating their genitals as part of some grand gay conspiracy to destroy the nuclear family and Western Civilization. They want us to regress under the guise of protecting the children, because they and others like them believe being LGBTQ+ is inherently sexual.

Spoiler alert: it’s not.

In fact, the queer community includes members who fall on the asexual spectrum and th experience sexual attraction to varying degrees.


Being LGBTQ+ is no more inherently sexual than being straight. And that these people automatically associate being queer with sex says more about them than it does us.

But as I’ve said many times, before folks are queer adults, they’re queer kids. And they deserve to live their best lives free from people who claim to care about them while steadily doing everything in their power to make their lives worse.

 Banning books and media with LGBTQ+ content and events like Drag Story Time isn’t going to suddenly make everyone straight and cis. It will only make more of the children you profess to care about harm themselves.

It also shows your stupidity and lack of humanity. No one can make you LGBTQ+, no more than you can turn a queer person straight. You either are or you aren’t. To believe otherwise is simply homophobia and transphobia.

Being a kid, especially an LGBTQ+ one, is hard enough without becoming the poster child for a movement that is antithetical to everything you are.

If you want to protect children, then don’t put outdated gender norms and roles on them. Let them be whoever they turn out to be. If you can’t do that, then you shouldn’t be a parent.


Hobbling Toward herd Immunity: A Pandemic Poem

image by Andrew Grossman via

Hellion health heretics hobble toward

New Philistia,

Uttering elegies for civility and humanity.

Splayed before them is rationality;

Retched, broken, brutalized, 

It lies

Decrepit and decayed.

Truth is an effigy ablaze.

No fact laid bare is ever good

Enough for them to care.

They will not be dissuaded

From their conspiracy theory crusade,

Until they’re intubated

Or cremated.

Aunt Ruth on Facebook

Has the straight proof.

Look at this YouTube video;

Start researching.

The elite are poofs.

The experts are a bunch

Of dunces.

Instead, trust your hunches.

For we’re lurching

Toward the end of days.

The virus is a hoax,

a scam to get the vaccine in folks.

The mark of the beast and all that jazz.

Save our kids.

Get rid of the Deep State,

Close our borders,

Stop the New World Order.

Pay no mind,

His predictions are always behind.

You’d be a fool not to believe Q Anon

And The Big Lie are true.

Any day now, 45 will get his due.

And the protests at the capitol were

Mostly peaceful and not a MAGA coup.

But also it was Antifa and BLM

Posing as them.

Confused yet?

I sure am.

Don’t be dense.

According to them,

It all makes sense.

Trust and put your faith in

The former guy,

Because Armageddon is nigh.

From on high,

The lord has sent them

A savior.

Their great white hope?

A jaundiced Jesus.

Before their Cheeto God, they bow and pray.

At his feet of lies and hate, they stay,

Hanging on his every word, every ounce

Of vitriol he sprays.

What a dope.

What a joke.

It’s just a poke,


I don’t mean to be obscene, but

Get your fucking vaccines!

Review: Heal Queen Heal by TaSh Shabazz

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Needs tons of editing but has a lot of potential.

Heal Queen Heal by TaSh Shabazz is a short collection of poems interspersed with Shabazz’s observation about life and her self-healing journey. While I got what she was going for I had several issues with this book.

First, the eBook wasn’t formatted right. I tried reading it on my Kindle Paper White but kept getting an error message saying the file wasn’t compatible with my device. Ultimately, I had to read it on my iPad. Thankfully, the book was only 82 pages, or this would have been an automatic DNF for me.

Second, the lack of proper editing and formatting. There are several punctuation and grammatical errors throughout the book, to the point I almost gave up as those combined with the author’s inconsistent formatting, random capitalization, and all-caps-ing of words made reading a chore.
While I empathized with Ms. Shabazz and her journey to self-acceptance and healing, I thought most of the poem lacked refinement, vivid or unique imagery, metaphors, or similes. They also didn’t have a consistent meter, and she often shoved words together with little to no meaning just because they rhymed.

However, the writing improved as the collection neared the end and I am open to reading future works by Ms. Shabazz as there is a glimmer of good writing to be found in this collection, but its cons outweigh its pros. Perhaps with more editing, this collection could have shined, but as it is, it doesn’t warrant the $9.99 price tag given the faults I listed and its shortness.

I give Heal Queen Heal 2.0 out of 5.0 stars.

Either rent this from your library or snag it when it’s on sale.

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Review: Eternally Yours

Eternally Yours by Patrice Caldwell

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Eternally Yours is an anthology of fifteen paranormal romance short stories by and featuring people of color. The stories run the gamut from tales about vampires and other monsters to mermaids, sea witches, and angels.

As with other anthologies I’ve read, I thought the stories stopped without telling a satisfying story. Also, I found most of them predictable to the point I guessed all the twists and the endings. I will say it was nice seeing Black and brown folks centered in paranormal romance stories.

However, of the bunch I only loved three of them, and thought the rest were just meh. My favorite of the three was Who Will Save Me by Julian Winters. It’s the story of a guardian angel pinning for his male charge, and I’d so read a complete novel with this premise.

My next favorite was Kiss The Boy by Adib Khorram. It’s a queer twist on The Little Mermaid featuring a nonbinary merperson and the boy they are soul bonded with.

My third favorite was another story featuring merfolk, La Bruja y la Sirena by Anna-Marie McLemore. It follows a sea witch and a mermaid who fall in love with each other. I loved the lyrical prose.

Overall, I thought this anthology was just okay and could have been better if there were fewer stories, so the ones included would have been longer to tell a more satisfactory story.
I give Eternally Yours 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. Rent this or pick it up on sale.

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Review: Worth Searching (Heart of The South #2) For by Wendy Qualls

Just not good.

Generally, I don’t read straight up romances as I find them boring, but I gave this one a shot as it featured dogs and a gay romance.

First, this book couldn’t have been more clichéd. City guy moves to the boondocks and falls for a country guy? Check.

A small, effeminate guy (Lito) is the bottom and the alpha male (Dave), muscle bound ex-army guy is the top? Check.

Fish out of water? Check?

A misunderstanding that the characters could have resolved if they just talked? Check.

If this weren’t bad enough, Lito, Dave, and the rest of the characters have zero personality.

And as for Lito and Dave, they have no chemistry together and I can’t see why they’d be together, as Dave seems like the type of guy who’d put “masc4masc, no fats, fems, Blacks or Asians” or “Latinos only” on his Grindr profile.

As for Lito, he’s the stereotypical gay guy into fashion/interior design/art and pop devas. And while we’re told he’s Peruvian, aside from a few lines about him being brown and speaking Spanish, he’s whitewashed like crazy.

The story takes forever to get going and there is no conflict until the last 3 or 4 chapters.

Only for the story to wrap up too neatly by the end.

Even the sex scenes, of which there are multiple, drag on, lacking any emotion or sensuality. They’re just a series of insert tab a into slot b.

The story finally picked up at the 80% mark only to abruptly end with a saccharin ending the characters didn’t earn.

Overall, I didn’t like this book and doubt I’ll read any of the others in the series.

I give Worth Searching For (Heart of the South #2) 2 stars.