Character Profile: Sampson Tuner


 He’s six-four, 220lbs, with black hair and dark brown eyes and skin. He’s 39 and has big ears and works as an electrician with a local construction company.


 Sampson is stoic and aloof, an alpha male type. He’s a know-it-all and can be gruff, but he has a good work ethic. He’s old school when it comes to punishments and secretly resents Travis because of the trust fund his wife’s parents set up for him, while he must scrimp and save every penny just to have a rare night out. As a former lieutenant in the army corps of engineers he demands respect.


  He likes working with his hands, building things, and fixing antique cars and scooters. He also likes southern foods like corn bread, sweet potatoes, yams, ham hocks and collard greens, BBQ ribs, baked macaroni and cheese, honey glazed ham, jambalaya, red beans and rice, Beer Can chicken, and chitterlings. He also likes tinkering with electronics and is a ham radio enthusiast.


 Sampson dislikes anyone who looks down upon him or underestimates his intelligence because he’s Black and works construction. He also dislikes people assuming he went into the army because he wasn’t smart enough to get into college, when he actually has a master’s in electrical engineering. He hates lazy people and people who game the system and make hard working folks like him look bad.


  Sampson’s primary goal is raising his kids to be productive members of society. Second, is keeping Travis in the dark about his powers as long as he can. Third, he wants to make enough money to live comfortably instead of barely making ends meet.


Sampson desires to be respected and valued by his coworkers, to make it into the upper middle class and to live out his golden years in luxury, travelling the world with his wife.


  Sampson’s greatest fears are (1) his wife cheating on him or divorcing him, (2) being destitute, and (3) Travis learning about his powers and the full extent to which Sampson and his wife allowed the government to experiment on Travis.

Morality/ Religious Beliefs

  Morally, Sampson is lawful good. He follows the rules, even when they don’t make sense, or he doesn’t agree with them. Religiously, he’s Methodist but only goes to church on the major holidays.

Political Alignment

  Sampson is a centrist democrat, conservative on fiscal matters, liberal on some social issues like gay rights, while conservative on others like abortion.


Thanks for reading this post and share it on social media with your friends. Next week’s post will profile Travis’s sister Amber.

Call to Actions

Be sure to sign up to my mailing list for exclusive updates and snippets of my writing. My birthday’s This Friday, so if you haven’t already, pick up your copy of Palingenesis today!

Palingenesis Book Announcement


The tie has finally arrived. Palingenesis releases today, and I couldn’t be more excited you all to dive into this book.

The idea for this story has been stuck in my head since middle school, some 20+ years ago. I’ve been working on this book sporadically for the past 12 years. But it was until the pandemic hit that I got the impetus to finish and release it.

As my amazing editor—Charlie Knight (they/them)—can attest to, this book required a lot of TLC. But after a complete rewrite and multiple revisions, I’m proud of my book baby. I can’t wait for you to meet Travis, Josh, and Pro and have all the feels.

Here’s the blurb:

Hell has no fury like a seventh-grader scorned.

Twelve-year-old Travis Turner fought the devil and won . . . barely. But evil never dies, and now he must master his supernatural abilities before Oblivion grows strong enough to defeat him and jump-start the apocalypse.

However, Travis’s powers cause genome instability, leaving him only months to live if it’s not reversed.

He’s resigned to dying, until JJ Giovanni, the cocky redhead who’s bullies him for years, befriends him.

As their relationship intensifies, so do Travis’s powers, until he’s called to a cave, where he learns truths that forever change him.

To save the people he loves, the world and himself, Travis must let go of all he knows and embrace the hero within.

For fans of Buffy, The X-Men, and Shonen anime/manga.

You can buy Palingenesis at the following universal buy link here.

Review: These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong

These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

These Violent Delights by Chole Gong, is a fantasy retelling of Rome & Juliet set in 1920s Shanghai. In this version, Roma Montagov is heir to the White Flower Gang, and Juliette Cai is heir to the Scarlet Gang; these gangs have been in a blood feud for years and Roma and Juliette are lovers-turned-enemies forced together to solve the mystery of a madness sweeping through the city that causes people to claw out their throats.

I wanted to like this book, but it just didn’t do it for me. I will say the prose was gorgeous, poetic and at times lyrical. And I loved the interaction between Roma and Juliette and Marshall and Benedikt. However, this wasn’t enough to overcome the books many shortcomings.

First, it wasn’t until 100 pages in that plot picked up, then it crept along at a glacial pace. Events would happen, then you’re forced to slog through tons of exposition that had little to no relevance to the plot. I get world building is a thing, but if you’re going to info dump, make it interesting.

Second, this book drags on. It rightly could have been cut in half and you wouldn’t notice it. So many of the scenes/chapters are spent with characters sitting around discussing things that have no bearing on the plot. Politics and social commentary, when done well, are a joy to read, but in this case, I was bored to tears waiting for something to happened. The only reason I didn’t DNF was because of Benedikt and Marshall’s scenes. But by the 60% mark, I started skimming the pages.

Third, there were too many POV characters. Don’t get me wrong. I love books with more than one POV character, when they are done well. In the case of These Violent Delights, outside of Roma, Juliette and Benedikt and Marshall, the other POVs weren’t needed and in the case of Tyler Cai’s lone section, it added nothing that couldn’t have been incorporated into Juliette’s chapters/sections.

Ultimately, by the last 20% of the book I didn’t care who the Larkspur was, who the monster was, or what happened to the main characters.

I also, saw the setup for a sequel coming, but was still angry when the book ended on a massive cliffhanger.

Overall, this felt more like a second or third draft than a finished book. I loved the concept, but it lacked a ton in the execution. If I do read the sequel, I’ll rent it from the library.

I give These Violent Delights 2.0 out of 5 stars. Rent this one from your library or buy when it’s on sale.

View all my reviews

Character Profile Sarah Turner


 Sarah Sophia Turner nee Aurum is thirty-two, five-six, 140 pounds, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.


  She is pretentious, haughty, and money hungry. She often dreams up get rich quick schemes that fail and is a lotto addict.

Sarah can be cold and distant, especially when money is tight. She’s also quick to anger and holds grudges easily. As the only child of Marshall and Helena Aurum, she grew up having anything she wanted, and now that she has to live on a budget, she resents being lower middle class. She and her mother rarely talk since she disowned Sarah for marrying Sampson Turner and having Travis young.  


 Sarah likes window shopping at luxury stores and dreaming about one day affording said items. She’s also fond of old shows and movies that remind her of her lavish childhood. Sarah also likes dolphins and has a dolphin pendent, which Sampson gave her for their first anniversary. Also, she likes money, power, and being in charge, and is addicted to watching all those real housewives of . . . shows and reading bodice rippers.


Sarah dislikes when people question her authority, disrespect her, or make her feel like she’s not good enough. She hates anything that reminds her she’s not rich or as powerful as she ought to be.  


  Sarah’s primary goal is becoming wealthy, through any means necessary. Second to this is keeping her family together until the twins graduate college. Third, is becoming the head of the nursing department and head of AP Prep’s PTA.


  Sarah’s primary desire is to be rich and not have to ever work again. Second, is keeping her kids safe. Third, making sure Travis never finds out about his powers and what she and her husband allowed the government to do to him.


Her greatest fear is losing everything and being homeless. She also fears Travis finding out about his powers and the harm he could do.

Morality/Religious Beliefs

 Morally, Sarah is lawful neutral; she follows the laws she agrees with, ignores those she doesn’t, and puts the needs of herself and her family above all others.

Religiously, she is Catholic and attends Mass when her job allows time for it.

Political Alignment

  Sarah is a conservative democrat; she’s liberal on fiscal matters but leans to right on social issues like abortion, same-sex marriage, and trans rights.


Thanks for reading. Next week’s post will be all about my book release details. Then I’ll resume the next post in this series on Sampson Turner, Travis’s father.

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Also, my aforementioned book is available for pre-orders NOW, at the following link:

Character Profile: Cain Giovanni


He’s in his thirties with fiery-red hair, which he keeps in a Caesar cut with a trimmed beard. He’s six-four and 220 pounds of pure muscles, with green eyes and swarthy skin. 


While sophisticated, he holds boorish opinions on things like gender norms, gender identity and sexual orientation, believing men should be men and women should be women.

He’s highly critical of those around him, expecting only the best. He’s also an ass when it comes to his job as an investment banker, often going out of his way to screw over his competitors and seize assets in hostile takeovers.

He’s best described as a bully and is hard on Josh because he believes his son is “soft”.


Cain likes cigars, whiskey, and fast food. When not working, he likes to exercise and watch old gangster movies.  He loves power and fame and can never get enough of either. He also loves sex and has several mistresses across the globe who he hooks up with while on business trips. He also likes traditional gender roles, believing women should stay at home and tend to the children. He also loves hunting and fishing when he has the time. Cain’s also a fan of the police and military.


 Cain dislikes anything that can be described as ‘woke” and “progressive,” and hates anything to do with social justice. He thinks BLM and LGBTQ+ rights are a bunch of nonsense and that anyone who believes in them are traitors to the country. He also hates anyone who says, “happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.”


Cain’s primary goal is gaining enough power, money and fame to take over the world. Second, he wants to mold Josh into a suitable heir, then marry him off to a good family to produce grandchildren.

Desires:  Cain desires sex, adoration, power, and money.


His greatest fears are being ignored, losing his wealth and power, and never succeeding in his plan for world domination.

Morality/ Religious beliefs

 Cain is Neutral evil and will achieve his goals by any means necessary. He’s a lapsed Catholic and aside from Josh’s baptism and first communion, he hasn’t attended church in decades.

Political Alignment: He’s an outright fascist.


Thanks for reading, please share this post on social media if you liked it. Next week’s post will be a profile of Travis’s mother Sarah Sophia Turner.

Call to Action

Preorders for Palingenesis, my debut YA SFF novel about evil’s chosen one and his boyfriend, are available NOW!

Character Profile: Lilith Giovanni


Lilith has platinum blonde hair, hazel eyes, and fair skin. She is five-one and 105 pounds, and often wears heels and designer dresses. She’s in her thirties.


She is snobby, condescending, ambitious, and driven. She is also ruthless when it comes to getting what she wants, and critical of everyone, including Josh.

A shopaholic, she has a taste for the finer things in life and can be best described as a grown-up mean girl.


She likes going to the opera and the Detroit Institute of Art. She’s fond of red wine and shoes, the latter of which she has hundreds of pairs.

She also likes power and being in charge, and loves her job as an investment banker, where she revels in crushing her competition. While she is hard on Josh, she does love him in her own way—as she does her husband.


She dislikes sweating, camping, or doing anything where she can’t get cell reception. She also a neat freak and germaphobe, who dislikes poor people, believing they’re lazy and should be dealt with.

Lilith also dislikes any negative attention brought on her and her family. She absolutely hates being belittled.


Her primary goal is to be the best at her job to maintain her lifestyle. Second, she wants to maintain her image as mother of the year. Third, she wants to become famous and expand her influence in the world.


Lilith desires power, individuality, and control over her life. She also wants Josh to become a respectable man.


Her greatest fear is being powerless and finding herself enslaved by another. Also, she fears being poor and losing face in her social circle. She also fears something happening to Josh.

Morality/Religious Beliefs

Morally she is neutral evil and believes gaining power is the most important thing in life and will use any method to achieve this goal. While an atheist, she raised Josh to be Catholic.

Political Alignment

She is an authoritarian with fascist leanings.


Thanks for reading. Next week’s post will be Cain Giovanni, Josh’s father.

Call to Action

If you enjoyed this post, please share it on social media. Also Palingenesis is now available for preorder at the link below and releases September 1st.

Grams Character Profile


She has grey hair with pale blue eyes, and a heart-shaped face. She’s seventy-seven, five-foot two, and ninety pounds. Her full name is Helena Troy Ziglar-Aurum, and she’s the richest woman in the world, owing to her being the oldest of the Ziglar children and heiress to the Cadmus fortune.  She has a hunch due to having polio as a child.


 She’s fiercely protective of her loved ones but has a legendary temper and will hold grudges for years. Old-school and no-nonsense, she says what’s on her mind with little regard for people’s feeling. When she was younger, she was a big tomboy, preferring climbing trees and going hunting to playing dolls and having tea parties. She’s also a reformed racist and tries to keep up with current events like LGBTQ+ rights and BLM.


She likes her mystery novels and watching movies from her childhood on the Classic Movie Channel. She’s also fond of horses and has several on the Aurum Estate, along with a few pugs and cockatoos to keep her company. Helena is passionate about helping others and attends several charity events each month, and when not doing that, she plays bridge with her friends and takes salsa lessons on the weekends. She also knits and crochets clothes for her family and friends Her favorite person in the world is Travis.


Helena hates rude people and people who think they’re better than everyone just because they’re wealthy. She also has a long-standing feud with Travis’s mother, her daughter and only child, and their fights are epic. She also hates how Travis’s parents treat him and how they allowed the DMRC to experiment on him.  Her biggest pet peeve is fake people who only act nice to her because of her vast fortune.


Helena’s primary goal is enjoying her golden years and using her money to do the greatest good. Second, she wants to spend time with her loved ones, such as her great nephew Austin and grandson Travis. She also wants to find a suitable successor to run her businesses until Travis comes of age to assume control of them.


 Helena wants to undo all the evil her husband and his friends have caused over the years. She also wants Travis to use his powers for good.


 She fears not having enough time with her loved ones and not being able to counteract her husband’s evildoings. Helena also fears whomever she chooses as her successor will use their wealth and power for nefarious means and all the work she did will be for naught.

 Morality/ Religious Belief

 Morally, she’s chaotic good and follows her own code of conduct with little regard for what the law says. Religiously, she’s Protestant and goes to church several times a week. She’s very serious about her faith.

Political Alignment

Helena is an east coast liberal elite who favors libertarian values like individualism and freedom of choice and association.


Thanks for reading. Next week’s post will be on Josh’s parents.

Call to Action

Palingenesis is now available for preorder and you can pick up a copy at the link below.

Character Profile: Oblivion

Description: Oblivion’s true form would drive people mad if they glimpsed it, so he often appears to Travis either as him with all his color drained or a giant, seven-headed, red dragon. He is ageless, having existed since before the universe began.

 Personality:  He is a bit of a curmudgeon, snobbish, and haute. He has a superiority complex and is quick to anger when he feels slighted. He’s also a Machiavellian chess master, often bending the truth or outright lying to turn people to his side.

Likes:  He likes powers, control, and sowing seeds of chaos and doubt in the minds of other. He delights in turning people’s soul evil and causing strife.

Dislikes:  Oblivion hates being imprisoned in the Nullverse and being made to feel impotent. He also dislikes being disrespected by his inferiors, and having his time wasted.

Goals:  His primary goal is getting Travis to fulfill his destiny, so that he will be free of the Nullverse. Second, is exacting revenge on those who exiled him to the Nullverse. And in general, he wants to gather as many souls as possible by corrupting them through their dreams.

Desires:  Oblivion desires power, and the freedom that comes with it, above all else.

Fears:  He fears being powerless and never being free from the Nullverse.

Morality/ Religious Beliefs: Oblivion is chaotic evil, beholden to no laws or moral code, only caring about himself and causing as much pain and suffering as he can. The only thing he values is power, believing it is the destiny of the strong to prey upon the weak.

 Political Alignment: He is an authoritarian, believing might makes rights and has no scruples about using any method to achieve his goals.         

Review: I Wish You All the Best

I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I Wish You All the Best, by Mason Deaver, is a YA contemporary romance and coming of age novel about Ben De Backer, a high school senior who is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.
After coming out to their parents, they are kicked out in the middle of winter and go to live with their older sister Hanna and her husband Thomas.

At Ben’s new school they are befriend by Nathan Allen, and they soon develop feelings for him. However, Ben isn’t out to Nathan or anyone else at school.

I loved this book, and though I’m cis, Ben’s journey to accepting their self and dealing with their anxiety, depression, and issues of self love and self worth resonated with me as I’ve struggled with those issues too.

Also, the way they overthought things, were super self conscious, and how they expected the worst gave me flashbacks of my teen years.

I loved the voice in this; it was as though Ben was telling it right to me. But have a few issues. I found some of Ben’s actions stupid/borderline selfish such as how they resented Hanna for abandoning them when she left home or how they didn’t tell her about the message from their mom and their meeting with their parents.

Also, I felt Nathan’s character did veer into manic pixie dream boy and magical negro territory at times. Nathan spends the bulk of the book trying to get Ben out of his shell and being his emotional support. Aside from his being comedic relief, hot, and liking books (which he’s never shown reading), there isn’t much to his character. And most of the other characters get the same superficial treatment. Besides Ben and Nathan, Mariam, Ben’s nonbinary Muslim vlogger friend, is the only character who’s given depth.

The ending also felt a bit rushed.

Overall, I did enjoy this book and highly recommend it. I give I Wish You All the Best four out of five stars.

View all my reviews

Review: The Taking of Jake Livingston

The Taking of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Taking of Jake Livingston, by Ryan Douglass, is a YA horror novel that follows the eponymous Black, gay, teen medium as he attempts to stop Sawyer Doon, a school shooter turned vengeful ghost, from continuing his killing spree and possessing Jake.

Jake attends St. Clair Prep, a prestigious private school where he is one of only two Black students there and is often the target of racist comments and actions from students and teachers alike.
Jake lacks confidence in himself and rarely speaks up, the former of which Sawyer plays on to torment and possess him.

I connected with Jake’s selective mutism as I was bullied in school too and stopped speaking completely unless I was forced to talk by teachers.

Only by finding his voice and confidence in himself can Jake banish Sawyer for good.
I was on the fence about continuing this book after learning Sawyer was a POV character, and I could see how others would be put off by reading about a psychopathic killer who ultimately kills himself during his school shooting.

However, Douglass wrote Sawyer’s chapters in such a way to humanize him without condoning his actions or painting him in a sympathetic light.

Though, I think this book could have benefited from content warnings regarding scenes depicting the school shooting and a sexual assault later in the book.

Overall, I loved this book and devoured it in three days. All I have to say is wow and when’s the sequel coming out.

I Give The Taking of Jake Livingston five out of five stars. Definitely read this one.

View all my reviews

Review: Fifteen Hundred Miles from the Sun

Fifteen Hundred Miles from the Sun by Jonny Garza Villa

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fifteen Hundred Miles from the Sun, by Jonny Garza Villa, is a YA romance about Julian “Jules” Luna and Mat Pham, two high school senior boys who begin a long-distance relationship when Mat slides into Jules’s DMs after He gets drunk one night and comes out on social media
This book deals with toxic masculinity, domestic abuse, and general homophobia. Jules’s father forces him to go to a private Catholic prep school and beats him when he does anything that seems “gay”.
Over the course of the story, Jules finds the strength to stand up for himself against his father and the homophobic students at his school and live his best life.

I loved the voice in this. It was so conversational, and it felt like Jules was a friend telling you the story. It reminded me a lot of The Perks of Being a Wallflower, only gayer, more modern, and set in Texas.

Jules’s friends all seemed like real people, and I especially loved his friend Lou who stole the show in every scene they were in. His friend Jordan was also hilarious. However, I thought Jules’s older sister Xochi was a bit one note, and I thought she was little more than a plot device to move the story along.

Another thing I loved about this book is it addressed the issues queer people of color deal with, such as racism from white LGBTQ+ folks and queer phobia within communities of color.

Another issue I was surprised that this book tackled was how some nonblack people of color are racist towards Black people.

I also loved how Mat and Jules were both people of color. So often in YA romances you have a passive love interest of color paired with a white one. So, it was nice to see a brown queer couple in love and unapologetically embrace their cultures.

If I had one criticism, it’s that the ending felt a bit too Disney. But otherwise, I loved this book. Five out of five stars. I highly recommend you read this book like now!

View all my reviews

Character Profile Agent Anderson


Agent Anderson is white and in his early thirties, with light-brown hair and blue eyes. He’s five-ten and 165 pounds. His full name is Thomas Anthony Anderson.


He has a geeky, raunchy sense of humor and is shy around women. He’s serious about his work and ambitious. When nervous he makes jokes.


He enjoys reading comics, working out, watching action movies and comedies, and playing video games. His favorite food is Swedish meatballs. He loves a good larger or IPA and is into microbrewery. He’s also a big NCAA basketball fan and tries to go to at least one Penn State game a year. He’s also big into classic rock.


He dislikes paperwork and doing assignments he feels are beneath him. Also, he hates egghead types because they make him feel insecure about his intelligence, and he doesn’t like being condescended to or treated like a kid just because he’s younger than most agents at the DMRC. He also hates how Kyle and the other Metahumans are treated but goes along with it to not rock the boat.


Agent Anderson’s primary goal is to facilitate the smooth extraction of Subject Prometheus, AKA Travis, and get a big promotion with a nice corner office and pay raise.

Second to this, he wants to find a way to improve the conditions of the Metahumans. However, his goals shift when he meets Travis. He decides to help Travis in the hopes he is the key to saving the other Metahumans.


As the middle child of five kids, Agent He wants to stand out and be recognized, which is why he accepted the DMRC’s offer to be a handler for metahumans. He wants to be the boss of his division, but he didn’t count on bonding with Kyle, Marie, Echo, and the others.

Now he wants to ensure they’re treated better and eventually allowed to go back to their families. He also wants to settle down and live that picket-fenced suburban life.


Agent Anderson fears being powerless to prevent the Metahumans from getting hurt, and what Travis is capable now that his powers have reactivated.

Morality/ Religious Beliefs

He is neutral good, doing what is asked of him by superiors, even if he doesn’t agree with them. But he will break the rules when he sees fit. Religiously, he’s a lapsed Catholic, but still says his Hail Marys and Our Fathers when he does or says something bad.

Political Alignment

He considers himself center right and has voted Republican every election since he was 18, though he doesn’t always agree with their platform on things like immigration or foreign policy.


Thanks for reading, Next week’s post will be on Oblivion, The Father of Demons and ultimate incarnation of evil.

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Character Profile Jenny Adams


Jenny is white with hazel eyes, black hair, and large breasts. She is 32, five-foot-eight, and 175 pounds.


She is fiercely protective of those she cares about, is a big flirt, and takes her job as an RN seriously. She doesn’t mind working hard if the reward is worth it. She’s a bit of a tomboy owing to her having four older brothers. She can be a bit prissy, though. She’s also a hopeless romantic.


She’s fond of harlequin romances and paranormal romances a la Twilight, and shows like Friends, Gilmore Girls, and Girls.  Her favorite dish is biscuits and gravy, and her favorite drink is Jim Bean whiskey. She likes rom-coms, Korean dramas, and country music.


Jenny hates liars and cheaters and can’t stand people who take advantage of others. She also hates when doctors condescend to her like she’s dumb. She doesn’t like spicy food or take out, preferring to make her own meals. She also hates the attention she receives because of her breasts. She sees red when anyone messes with Travis.


Long term, Jenny wants to settle down, get married, and start a family. Short term, she wants to become head of St. Michael’s nursing department and use the pay rise to start saving for her wedding. Also, she wants to keep Travis safe no matter the cost to her.


Jenny desires to love and be loved. Ultimately, she wants to move to the country, buy a plot of land and use it to raise some chickens, rabbits, and goats. She also has dreams of starting her own line of artisanal sausages and cheeses. And she wants to start a free clinic for rural people.


Jenny fears not being good enough at her job and having to move back to Mobile, AL with her family. She’s also afraid of losing those close to her, especially Travis. And bugs creep her out.

Morality/Religious Beliefs

She is Lawful Good and follows rules even if she doesn’t always agree with them. Religiously, she is Southern Baptist.

Political Alignment

She is a centrist, conservative on some issues like gun control and abortion; and liberal on issues like LGBTQ+ rights, taxes, and freedom of speech.


Thanks for reading! Next weeks post will be on Agent Thomas Anderson.

Call to Action

Please add  Palingenesis to your want to read list on Goodreads.

A Phoenix First Must Burn

A Phoenix First Must Burn by Patrice Caldwell

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Phoenix First Must Burn is an all-female anthology of Black speculative fiction comprised of sixteen stories that range from soldiers fighting space orcs to a girl who discovers she can freeze time.

This anthology remined me a lot of another one, A Universe of Wishes by the We Need Diverse Books organization, and it featured some of the same writers.

Overall, I liked these stories, but my top three favorites are: 3) All The Time in the World by Charlotte Nicole Davis, 2) Letting The Right One In by Patrice Caldwell, and 1) The Goddess Provides by LL McKinney.

All The Time in the World is written in second person POV and you assume the role of Jordan, a Black high schooler who develops time-freezing abilities after years of consuming water contaminated by a local chemical plant, that has hidden this fact until people developed sores, got sick, and died.

Letting The Right One In is a Sapphic romance about a vampire-obsessed Black girl who meets and falls for a Black female vampire.

The Goddess Provides is a high fantasy story about a princess who is hunted down for renouncing the tutelar Goddess after her mother dies suddenly from an illness. This gave me major Children of Blood and Bone vibes and I’m here for it; I’d love to read a novel-length manuscript of this story.

My only criticisms of this anthology are 1) I felt like many of the stories ended without a definitive climax, and 2) the lengths of the stories varied so much, leading to an uneven pace. But these issues weren’t enough to detract from my enjoyment of the book too much.

I give A Phoenix First Must Burn 4.5 out of 5 stars. Read this if you haven’t already!

View all my reviews

Prometheus Character Profile


Pro is identical to Travis, save his lack of burn scars and green eyes instead of brown eyes.


Pro is cocky, brash, crude, and an all-around fuckboy. While he comes off as dumb, this belies his intelligence when it comes to fighting and fixing mechanical devices and vehicles. He is also impulsive, rarely thinking things through, preferring to go with his gut. 


Pro likes fast food, hard liquor, and easy women in that order. He also likes fighting and proving he’s the best at it. He a sneakerhead and is a fiend for Jordan’s. His favorite drink is Hennessey straight up paired with hot wings. He’s also free-spirited and loves having fun.


Pro hates being told what to do, especially when it interferes with his having fun. His not a fan of books and would rather watch TV. He also hates indecisiveness and planning things out. But he absolutely hates being stuck with Travis.


Pro’s number one goal is being rid of Travis. This is second only to him having fun.


Pro desires freedom and fun, and his greatest desire is being free of Travis


He fears being controlled and Travis going to the dark side. Also, that he’s too much like Travis.

Morality/ Religious Beliefs

Morally, Pro is Chaotic Good, doing what he feels is right regardless of the law and what society say. Religiously, he is Protestant but doesn’t take his faith seriously.

Political Alignment

Pro is libertarian, believing everyone should be able to do whatever they want.


Thanks for reading. Next week’s post will be on Jenny Adams, the nurse who’s taken care of Travis for years.