Whites Only Need Apply: On the Chosen One trope, White Entitlement, and White Male Mediocrity


As I wrote in Fantastical Racism, the chosen one trope is a staple of the Fantasy genre, which more often than not puts allo, cis , het, white males in the position of the chosen one. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, John Snow, they are all mediocre white males who are proven to be the chosen ones of their respected books. In each case there are infinitely more interesting characters supporting them, yet because they are the designated self-insert for readers, we have to follow their journeys.

 But more than that, this has led to generations of white males feeling entitled to the world, because they’ve grown up saturated in media that’s told them they are special, when they are mediocre at best.  

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Black lives matter.

That this must be said, as white cops continue to beat and batter brown and Black bodies, piling up the dead of the latter, makes my heart shatter.

And that’s why I’ll always say:

Black lives matter.

You can go screw with your, “All lives matter.” palaver. 

Until unarmed whites suffer the same plights and are killed at the same disproportionate numbers;

Until the media uses said dead as fodder for their reports, combing through their existence for any retort as to how this homicide was justified; because, despite the cops’ insistence that they feared for their lives, it’s plain as day that they lied,

Until the deaths of your brethren are used to divide and force us to pick a side between cops and criminals, a false dichotomy,

Until your race is constantly demonized and assumed the enemy,

Until you instinctively freeze when you see a police car, wondering if your name will be added to the list of the slain,

Until people have become numb to your pain and hand down yet another acquittal, then don’t be so little and belittle us with this insane refrain.

It’s beyond lame and takes the focus off who’s to blame.

As long as cops continue looking at us askew because of our hue, this will continue to be an issue.

As long as they keep playing god, slaying anyone Black or brown who even looks at them odd, then I will continue saying:

Black lives matter!