Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender is a queer romance mystery that centers on seventeen-year-old Felix Love, who’s about to graduate from his private high school but has never been kissed, much less in love. Felix is a trans male of color and his father has a hard time accepting him, so he spends most of his time at his best friend Ezra’s apartment. Ezra’s parents are super rich and bought him his own apartment so he could attend their school’s summer art program.
I Am Not Your Ken Doll
I Am Not Your Ken Doll
To the uninitiated, the most popular genre of books is romance—stop laughing. These much-derided books rake in billions of dollars each year and have subgenres such as so-called Mommy Porn a la Fifty Shades of Grey, Paranormal Romance featuring werewolves and other creatures, or Portal Fantasies like the Outlander series. In recent years there has been an explosion in male/male romance or M/M Romance to its ardent fans. Heralded as progressive and ground-breaking by some of its readers, these can contain some problematic tropes and themes, which I’ll discuss in this post.
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