Alien Encyclopedia Entry 3: Nekoshins


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 Today’s post will explore Nekoshins (|neh| |koh| |shins|), the primary antagonistic alien species in The Phoenix Diaries, who are briefly introduced at the end of Palingenesis.

These anthropomorphic cats have several abilities, which I’ll cover in a second.


The tern Nekoshin is a portmanteau of the Japanese words “neko” (cat) and “shin” (people/ nationality), so it’s the bird people (Torins) versus the cat people. Nekshins generally have fefeatures like whiskers,  four-digit clawed-hands, and may or may not have tails.

Because of their home world’s, Felidea (|fee| |lid| |ee| |ah|), heavy gravity, they tend to be short and stocky. Like cats on Earth, Nekoshins’ fur can come in a variety of colors, patterns, and thicknesses. They are intelligent, strong, can manipulate energy, and their empire spans several light years.

Their bodies can endure energy blasts and only the strongest weapons can hurt them. Additionally, they have superhuman speed, strength, vision, hearing, and smell, which they use to dominate their opponents.

They can also use energy attacks and, when hurt or mad, they can go into a berserk state that amplifies their abilities for a short period. When near death they go into stasis to conserve their energy, which is directed toward keeping them alive.

Culture and Religion

They are a proud warrior race that values strength, bravery, and cruelty. They show affection by rubbing their face on their loved ones. Their primary language is Gatonese (|gah| |toh| |knees|), followed by Omnivox.

They worship Leonaides (|lee||oh| |ny| |days|), the god of strength, war, and virility. The emperor is said to be a descendant of Leonaides and is worshipped alongside him as a god-king.

Every Nekoshin must serve there years in the military, longer if they seek to become a citizen. Citizens of the Nekoshin Empire are afforded the right to vote in local elections, to work civil jobs like teachers, technicians, and law enforcement; and to have less than the mandatory five children or more.

  Ranking in the Nekoshin military is designated with red inverted triangles on their necks: 1 for general infantry, 2 for lieutenants, and 3 for generals.

All Nekoshins must go through a rite of passage once they reach 9 cycles (years) where they are left on a deserted planet and must fend for themselves for a month. If they fail, they bring shame to their families and must wait another 9 cycles to reattempt it. Most who fail, kill themselves to spare their families the shame.


The Nekoshin Empire began as the enforcers of the intergalactic community. If a species or civilization had a problem with another one, they’d contact the Nekoshins and have them eliminate their problem.

Overtime, the Nekoshins grew stronger and realized they could be run things. From among the common folk rose a great warrior named Temis who advocated uniting all Nekoshins under one ruler, him.

Temis succeeded in becoming the first emperor of Felidea and under his rule his people thrived. But Temis knew the destiny of the Nekoshins lay in the stars. He set civilizations against each other and used the chaos to conquer their planets.

Which each emperor, the empire expanded.


 The primary currency on Felidea is the Baset (|bah| |set|), and 1Baset is equivalent to 20 Kin. Every planet under the control of the Empire must pay annual tribute to them and give them whatever resources they demand.

While they do trade with the intergalactic community, most civilization are reluctant to do business with them, and only do so because they fear reprisals for refusing them.


 The Emperor of Felidea makes all final decisions and all politicians answer to him. While elections are held, its widely known they are rigged and all elected officials either bought their position or inherited it. These politicians manage the day-to-day operations while the emperor focuses on expanding the empire and keeping his people well-fed and happy.


Felidea is in the Beta Sector of the universe, some 300,000 lightyears from Earth. It has three times Earth’s gravity and orbits a binary star system. Their days are 48 hours long and the year lasts six months relative to Earth. It has brilliant blue oceans and sea and thousands of islands and volcanoes. Some are as large as Australia, while others as tiny as a few cubic centimeters.

Due to its two suns, Felidea is prone to solar flares, the intensity of which is dependent on its orbit. These solar flares can last up to a week and can cause intense electrical storms in the planet’s ionosphere.

Weather Patterns

The planet’s weather can range from arctic cold in the winter months, scorching heat in the summer, and up to nine feet of rain in the spring and fall months.


 Felidea has abundant water, mineral, and metals, which it sells. It also has advanced military technology and access to other technology such as teleportation pads, molecular printers, and faster-than-light spaceships.

It’s home to several species of aquatic and amphibious animals, such as the Afe (|ah||fay||), a giant horned fish similar to a catfish, and the Bastet (|bah| |stehd|), a golden rodent-like creature the size of a large dog.

The plant life on Felidea is nearly endless. There’s nepeta (|neh| |pee| |tah|), a red grass from which an alcoholic drink with hallucinogenic effects can be made. And Leonaides’s Breath, a blue tree whose white fruit have medicinal properties and are believed to extend the eater’s life. And Bartelea (|Bart| |eh| |lee| |ah|), a musky purple herb whose roots look like a star, which is smoked by Nekoshin warriors to bring on their berserker state.


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