The first thing people notice about me is my feet. See they’re size 14s and are out of place on my otherwise average build. Long and narrow they stick out like skis or, as my dad calls them, boats. Walking can be a pain since I can easily step on the back of other people’s shoes if I don’t pay attention. I’m flat footed and when I step down wrong my ankles buckle and my feet twist near ninety degree angles.

It wasn’t always like this. I was a normal until I turned 8 and they sprouted like weeds. I’d go into the hospital and grow another shoe size by the time I was released. I’d out grown kids shoe by the age of ten and hated I couldn’t wear the same super hero streaked sneakers as my peers.

Because my equilibrium was shoot after I had brain surgery in forth grade, coupled with one leg shorter than the other, I literally tripped over my feet on several occasions. It used to annoy the hell out of me when people joked about my big feet but most of the time it doesn’t bother me. The exception being if they ask if it’s true about guys with big feet. No comment and if you continue to ask you’ll get theses boats shoved up your ass.

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