
Today I’ll be doing a character interview with Joshua
“JJ” Giovanni, one of the main characters from my WIP.

Tyerone Johnson: Welcome, Joshua. Why don’t you start by telling us a bit about yourself?

Joshua Giovanni: First off,  it’s JJ or Josh, never Joshua. Second, why are you interviewing me? I’m nothing special.

TJ: That’s an interesting point that I’ll come back to later. However, to answer your question, I think potential readers would benefit from learning more about you, seeing as how you’re a point of view character. So, why don’t we start with the basics. What’s your full name and birth date, and what are your likes, hobbies, and interests.

JJ (Sighing and looking at his feet): My name’s Joshua
Joseph Giovanni, and I was born April 1, 2003. I like comedies, telling jokes,

TJ: Something the matter?

JJ: That’s a lie. I don’t like telling jokes. I just do that because it’s what people expect of me.

TJ: So, what do you like, then?

JJ: I like anime, manga, comics, MMO’s, tabletop games, and
sci-fi and horror movies. The cheesier the better. No one knows this, but I
love science and technology, even though I’m not the greatest at either. But I
try, you know?

TJ: Interesting. Why don’t you share these passions with
your friends?

JJ: Because the last time I started talking about Zelda or
Dragon Ball Z, my friends got quiet and looked at me like I was a freak.

TJ: Well, that’s not right. Don’t you have anyone you can be yourself with?

JJ: I mean, David and Jason are kinda cool with me geeking
out occasionally, but mostly I save that stuff for my net friends.

TJ: It sucks when you can’t be your true self around people,

JJ: Yeah. I have a ton of “friends,” but none of them know the real me.

TJ: And who’s that?

JJ (cheeks flushing): I don’t know. Like I said earlier, I’m nobody special. I’m just a shrimpy, redheaded, gay wad, who’s all alone. It’s not even like people like me all that much. I bet if I just up and killed myself, no one would even notice I was gone.

TJ: You know that’s not true. I’m sure your parents–

JJ: Couldn’t care less about me. I only see them two or
three times a month max, so it’s not like killing myself would make any
difference to them. Hell, they’d prolly be pissed they had to take off work to
bury me.

TJ: Josh, aren’t you a Catholic?

JJ: Yeah, so?

TJ: Isn’t suicide a mortal sin?  

JJ: Yeah, but I’m going to hell for being gay anyway, so what difference would it make?

TJ: Okay, but wouldn’t you miss things like love?

JJ: I guess, but then who’d love me? I mean in all the stories I’ve read they make it seem so easy. You just go up to a guy, ask to hang out with him, you hook up, and then you’re a couple. But it’s not like that at all.

TJ: How is it then?

JJ (shuffles his feet and groans): Do I have to answer that?

TJ: Yes.

JJ: I have a crush on Travis, right?

TJ: Go on.

JJ: Well, I’ve kinda been bullying him for years.

TJ: And why would you do that?

JJ: At first, it was because the others were doing it and I
wanted to fit it.

TJ: Mmhhm. Peer pressure can be such an insidious beast. Go

JJ: Then…things changed.

TJ: How?

JJ: The summer between sixth and seventh grade, it was like a switch was flipped and I liked guys. Then when school started again, to my shock, I found myself increasingly attracted to Travis.

TJ: Then why did you continue bullying him?

JJ: I know this is gonna sound messed up, but it was the
only way I could be near him without people getting suspicious.

TJ: Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you need some
new friends who wouldn’t care about your being gay and geeky?

JJ: All the fucking time, but I don’t want to be alone either, so…

TJ: Well, do you feel alone when you’re with your friends?

JJ: Besides David and Jason, yeah!

TJ: Then perhaps it’s better to be alone, than surrounded by people who only allow you to show one side of yourself.

JJ: No! I can’t go back to being by myself.

TJ: Why not?

JJ: Because then I’d constantly be reminded of how average I am. How I’m just a weak sauce, nothing burger with a side order of epic fail.

TJ: Why do you have such a low opinion of yourself? Aren’t
you smart enough to get mostly A’s and a few B’s without studying?

JJ (mumbling): I guess.

TJ: And whether you like to admit it or not, you have a gift
with jokes.

JJ: That’s only because I’m playing to a crowd that makes
the people on the short bus look like Mensa material.

TJ: And aren’t you the one who suggested AP Prep start a
robotics/STEM club?

JJ: Yeah, but it’s not like the administration even bothered to take me seriously.

TJ: I’m sensing a theme here. Tell me, do you think being in
a relationship will fix all your problems?

JJ: That’s what always happens in all the stories I read.

TJ: Has it ever occurred to you that actual relationships are far more complicated than what’s presented in the media, and that no one should be burdened with fixing all your problems?

JJ (glaring): When you’re in love with someone, you’ll do anything to make them happy. Nothing will keep you apart from them. You’ll sacrifice anything and everything to be with them.

TJ: While that’s admirable, the truth is being in love isn’t a panacea. Just because you love someone and they love you, doesn’t mean you should be together, especially if you have psychological issues and emotional baggage to work out first.

JJ (storms off): Screw you!


Perhaps I pushed Josh too hard there? But what do you think? Would you like to know more about him? And if so, what?

Let me know in the comments.

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