The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson is a sci-fi mystery that centers around traversers, people who can travel to parallel dimensions, but only if their counterparts on theses worlds (dops) are dead. Caramenta is such a traverser, and on her first trip she dies, and her dop, Caralee, assumes her identity for the next six years, where the story picks up.

Caralee makes a life for herself, and things are going smoothly until she uncovers a truth about her boss Adam Bosh, creator of the technology that allows traversers to travel to other worlds. Following this revelation, Caralee stumbles into a coup on another Earth, and a plot by Adam Bosh that would mean the deaths of thousands.

In order to stop Adam Bosh, Caralee must risk revealing her true identity and losing what she values most: Dell, her watcher.

I was in awe at the prose and story. Johnson skillfully wove her world building into the story while avoiding the pitfall of info dumps. She also made me care for Caralee’s and Dell’s relationship, and the other relationships Caralee makes throughout the story.

If I had one criticism, it’s that this book does technically engage in the bury your gays trope. I won’t elaborate further because spoilers.

Overall, I give The Space Between Worlds 5 out of 5 five stars. Read this book now!   

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