Epic Farm Boy by Sam Ferguson

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Epic Farm Boy by Sam Ferguson is a metafiction fantasy novel about struggling writer Jack and Simplin the Wise, his disgruntled stock character who wants an adventure of his own and forces Jack to write it.

This is the gist of the story and honestly it falls flat.

Simplin , Lucas, Luriel, and the other characters were the definition of boring. I would have preferred reading more of Bevin’s story as that was at least interesting. But the story I got was just bad all around. The copious pop culture references to better fantasy series only served to drive home how much this book lacked.

And if that weren’t bad enough, the attempts at humor had me cringing they were so bad.
I was sorely tempted to DNF as the plot meandered and stalled, such as when Luriel’s sister recounted how she rescued Lucas and droned on for several paragraphs what could have relayed in a few sentences.

But worst of all was the ending. All the buildup to the confrontation with Skid Mark the Brown (yes, that’s the big bad’s name), only for it to mean nothing. After reading the last page I felt cheated and that my time was wasted.

Epic Farm Boy was an epic failure, and I give it 2.0 out of 5.0 stars and don’t recommend reading it.

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