Sanctum: A Last Vampire Huntress Novel by Delizhia Jenkins
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Sanctum by Delizhia Jenkins Follows Kenya, the last of a line of vampire hunters, as she attempts to destroy Adam, the original vampire.
While I liked the premise of this story, it sorely needed more editing. My first issue was the copious amounts of flashbacks, so much so, Delizhia spent little time on the plot in the current storyline.
Second, was the lack of a distinctive voice, which wouldn’t have been such an issue if the story hadn’t used alternating first-person POV.
To make matters worse, Delizhia constantly switched between present tense and past tense, often in the same sentence. And her sentences were full of redundancy, and she had the crutch of over relying on adverbs to prop up her weak sentences.
I also felt Kenya, Trenton, and the other characters lacked any depth and because of this and the issues I mentioned above, I didn’t care about them.
While the second half of the book wasn’t as riddled with these issues, it still wasn’t that enjoyable. I often skimmed or skipped passages to just get to the end, which was so predictable.
Overall, I felt like I was reading a first or second draft, then a finished novel, and can only recommend this book if you rent it from your library or read on Kindle Unlimited for free.
Otherwise, skip it.
I give Sanctum: A Last Vampire Huntress Novel 2.0 out of 5.0 stars.
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