The Butterfly Effect is Fucking Boring

image by Doug Brown via

The Butterfly Effect is another often misunderstood science concept, made worse by New Agers lumping this in with their “We’re all one, man.” mantra.

It’s often stated that everything is connected no matter how small. And the flapping of a butterfly’s wings contributes to the winds of a typhoon.

The problem is the butterfly effect deals with chaotic systems.
These are systems in which a slight change in the initial conditions results in massive changes in the output of the system. Take the basic pendulum. Change the position its motion begins and  its trajectory varies greatly in response.

While this is nice to know in order to study how these system change you need Chaos Theory.

It consists of complex mathematical techniques, used to model the behavior of these systems and predict the outcome of changing the initial conditions. Such an application is the study of air turbulence as well as predicting weather patterns.

Well I hope this was informative, later.  

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5 Terms You Must Add to Your Vocabulary Now

Everyone is familiar with common euphemisms such as law enforcement officers, administrative assistants, and sanitation engineers. In an effort to further clarity and reduce offense below I have proposed a new series of such terms. Look them over and share your thoughts.

1.caloric impaired– As opposed to fat, overweight, and obese which carry negative connotations, especially for the latter which sounds like an exotic disease. This term reflects the reality that most people struggle with their weight due to issues with their caloric intake versus output.

2.coitus technician– Prostitute and hooker are such dirty words that belie the expertise and craftsmanship  involved in the sex trade. Also because prostitution is legal in Nevada this term reflects they are professionals like any other working person.

3.sexual explorer– Slut is a troublesome word because of the double standard attached to its use and the shaming that goes along with it. However, sexual explorer conjures up images of sophistication, liberated sexuality, and fun.

4.augmented reality specialist– Unlike actor, this term is gender neutral and describes the modern state of acting as more computer generated content replaces the need for people.

5.truth dilation and contraction management– While it’s often joked  politicians are professional liars, this term better describes their behavior. All campaigns are about crafting a narrative for the candidate by exaggerating the positives and suppressing the negatives.  

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Are Minorities More Racist than Whites?

It wasn’t until I got older that my mixed heritage became an issue. I thought everyone had a white mom and a black dad. Even when my parents separated and I attended a predominately white school, race wasn’t an issue. My question to you is why we can’t get over this issue?

Once Obama was elected president democrats and republican alike claimed racism was now over. However i membership in hate groups sky rocketed and one need only look at the comment section on yahoo, Craig’s list and others to find posters spewing racist vitriol.

Moreover, throughout the 2012 campaign you had Newt Gingrich call Obama      
 the food stamp president and then went on to say  urban people don’t have a work ethic and that kids in inner city schools should work as janitors.

Sorry Newt, but coming from North West Detroit I know how hard the people there work. My dad had multiple jobs so he could afford a car and place for us to stay. Yes, we were on food stamps until he got hired at the Wood Haven Stamping Plant and made a decent wedge.

As for us kids we’d scoured the neighborhood collecting empty soda cans and beer bottles until we had enough to get what we wanted at the corner story. As we grew older we racked leaves and shoveled snow. So no we weren’t lazy by any means.

It wasn’t just this dog whistle stuff. You had Trump and others calling for Obama’s birth certificate and college records. All this served to delegitimize President Obama and make him the other. We saw this when the republican candidates perpetuated the myth of Obama being a socialist (he’s not, he’s governed like a centrist republican).

When the Trayvon Martin shooting happened racism was brought front and center. You had people on both sides of the issue rush to judgment which led to a trial by popular opinion. You also had people who claimed it was racist to bring up race in this case. Reverse racism is now the only racism many deem exists.

The problem is  they’re wrong. Obama becoming president didn’t magically get rid of racism. You still have institutional racism.

 There’s the selective application and enforcement of laws(drug laws, Stop and Frisk, Stand Your Ground, and the death penalty), and racial profiling And there‘s still the issue of police brutality.

A white felon is more likely to be hired over equally qualified non felon black applicants. During the sub prime mortgage fiasco it was revealed that blacks and other minorities were steered to these toxic mortgages even when they qualified for a standard ARM.

 We still have work to do on race relations. The problem is no one wants to start a dialogue for fear of being branded a racist or race traitor. Until we address these issues the problem of the twentieth century will continue to be the color line.

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For The Love of Writing

image by Stancu Alexandru via

The thing that surprises me the most since I started writing is the craft’s versatility. No matter what field you go into you need to have a grasp of basic writing skills to get your point across and market your latest product.

The next time you’re online or watching TV count the number of ads. As you’re enjoying your favorite show or video game remember, someone wrote that.

Writing can inspire or depress; outrage or calm; it has the power to elevate us to a higher state of being, or keep the status quo. It can do all this and more because the only thing that limits it is the writer’s skill.

I have read the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between. But there is always something to learn about the craft, even if it’s what not to do. Everyone can put words to the page, but being a writer is more than that. It’s about transporting readers to new worlds and teaching them about life.

Sure, the mechanics of writing come easy to me, but it’s the art side I struggle with. Show or tell; more details or less; is the plot moving fast enough or does it need to slow down; does the protagonists have the proper mix of strengths, weaknesses and flaws, and does this sound right?

These questions are always in mind when I  write. Some days I’ll agonize over finding the perfect words to describe the picture in my head. But other days they bleed out on to the page and I’m let asking, “Where did that come from?”

Writer’s block can be such a bitch, but most days I write something anyways. Even if it’s just a tweet or comment on a blog or news article. But then are days where I can’t muster the energy to write even though I know exactly what to say.

Like anything too much of it isn’t a good thing, so from time to time I’ll take a few days to recharge and refresh. In the past I’d beat myself up for this, but part of the craft is learning you can’t force things. Screw writer’s block in its ass, but when you feel burnt out mix up your routine and work on something else.

There are times I ask myself why I do this crazy thing called writing, and the answer is always the same. Because I live for the moments when everything aligns and I feel infinite.

Have you ever forget you’re the one writing and got bummed when you came to the end? Have you ever found yourself saying, “What happens next?”  I fucking love when that happens. How about you?

What things about writing do you love, hate, or find surprising?


copyright silentbutcudly 2013 at

The Literary Closet

It always struck me weird how certain straight characters showed little interest in the opposite sex and were they real would have come out by now.

1. Holden Caulfield

The prototypical hipster, Holden’s closest is so deep he has property in Narnia. If the fact he comments on several of his handsome school mates weren’t enough of a giveaway, this coupled with his hissy fit over Stradlater not telling him if he slept with Jane should have made it clear he batted for the other team.

Holden wasn’t jealous of Stradlater, he was jealousy of Jane getting the old hot beef injection. And when given a chance to sleep with a hooker he wimps out and talks to her instead.

Last but not least let’s not forget Holden is your text book bitter queen who isn’t happy unless he’s complaining about something, or bitching about someone being a phony. I dare you to tell me he wouldn’t fit in at any gay bar on a Friday night.

2. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy

We all know Dumbledore wasn’t the only gay in Hogwarts. Harry playing the part of the hero hid his burgeoning homosexuality out of fear it might lower morale when the war kicked into high gear. It wouldn’t be the first time a celebrity did this nor would it be out of character for Harry to fake it with Ginny so he had the family he always wanted.

Note how he doesn’t notice girls until third year, yet only after Ron and the others make dating an issue in 4th year does he attempt to ask out Cho Chang. Also note that Ron, Not Cho, was the thing he treasured most and had to retrieve for the second task.  When Harry and Cho finally go out in fifth year it lasts one deleterious date and that’s it.

Notice how Harry never batted an eye when Ginny began dating in fifth year, yet we’re suppose to believe he became obsessed with her in sixth year and settled down with her when they’ve spent zero page time together?

Nope either Ginny slipped him some grade A love potion or she’s just his beard. Much as I loath post Order of The Phoenix Ginny option B is more likely.

As for Malfoy it was obvious from book one he had a fan boy crush on Potter, but it morphed into a full on man crush as the series progressed. Harry being a naive little shit didn’t realize he stomped Draco’s heart, and to make matters worse was crushing big time on Ron circa second year when the Weasleys rescued him.

Fast forward to third year and Ron reveals himself to be straight. Harry turns his affection to the Malfoy. Yes Draco was a bully but how many times have you seen boys pick on girls they like, so why should these two gay boys be different?

It’s understandable they had to keep their relationship under wraps. Him the last Malfoy scion, death eater in waiting and Slytherin Prince while Harry was the pride of Gryffindor and Dumbledore’s golden boy.

Think back on all their fights and see it was them finding excuses to be around each. Yes it’s quite easy to see them getting detentions together just so they could snog themselves silly once Snape left.

When Harry couldn’t take the constantly sneaking around and fear of being outted he broke it off with Malfoy and hooked up with Ginny.

As a final token of their love Malfoy didn’t reveal it was Harry the Snatchers caught. Of course they both could be bisexual and passing for straight as well. Either way Draco and Harry were totally into each other.

So am I crazy, and if so why? Or what other characters do you think are LGBT?

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The Realist’s Guide to Writing

One topic I see blogged on consistently is being positive to find inspiration. But seldom do you see a blog address the fact that being negative also generates thoughts and can inspire.

Yes no one likes to be around someone who is always negative, however there are times when that negativity serves a purpose, such as calling attention to a problem and issuing a call to action.

Writing is meant to evoke people’s emotions but that doesn’t mean only making them feel  warm and fuzzy inside. No, your job is to provoke; to shock; to make people question what they believe and make them think.

People turn to your blog because they wanted to be entertained, but also to find answers about the big questions in life. When done right you can do both. But only if you dare to embrace the darkness in life to underscore the bright patches.

The point is the darker the road we travel the more we appreciate the light. It’s so easy to either ignore life’s rough patches or wallow in them. The hard part is accepting that there are peaks and valleys along the way. You hold on to good times when things get bad and cherish them when they come, because they will if you hold on.

The next time you get in a funk embrace it then move on. Stuck on that WIP? Rant about it. Can’t find the right words? Then talk about that. Frustrated no one is reading your blog? Let it out because only by daring to be human and exposing yourself will you over come your fears. And in the process you’ll gain a tribe that will follow you anywhere.

The only great truth about writing is there’s no big secret. Just do it and make every line count.      


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Statistically Speaking , You Don’t Know Jack

Image by Guillaume Riesen via 

Another area in which science illiteracy rears its head is probably and statistics. You’ll  often hear them say, “Well evolution can’t be true because the probability of a 300 amino acid long protein chain forming randomly is (1/20)^300.” Another favorite is “Well either God exist or he doesn’t so the odds are fifty-fifty. “

 Probabilities are averages of thousands of events taking place over time. When it comes to abiogenesis we are talking about thousands of people rolling thousands of pairs of dice. All that is needs is for one combination of rolls such that life arises from non life.

The other issue here is probabilities sum to one.  As long as the probability (P) of an event (A) is greater than zero not only will it happen, but given a long enough interval it will happen multiple times.

 Because two options exist does not mean they have the same probability.  Evidence of an event occurring determines its probability. For example a person either has oatmeal for breakfast or doesn’t. However if the person always has oatmeal then the probability of  not having oatmeal is zero.

The take home here is the state with the most evidence is the more probable one. And
when given two or more competing hypotheses with the same evidence, the one with the least assumptions is usually the correct one.

The main problem is people don’t know what statistics is.   In most cases they are referring to opinion polls and questionnaires, not the analysis of data culled from experiments. Thus theses “statistics” can be used to justify anything, because sampling size and the questions asked can be manipulated to stack the deck in favor of the pollster’s conclusion.

For instance what if I asked 500 random people if they liked Macs versus PC? But only recorded those that said they liked PC, and then used that to claim the majority of people like PCs. This is why the peer review process is key to prevent pseudoscience from running amok.    

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Belieb It

Dear Justin Bieber,

I generally ignore the shenanigans of celebrities, but I’m making an exception in your case. Since neither your entourage or handlers have the balls to tell it like it is, allow me to enlighten you.

You are not the greatest thing to happen to music ever. You’re just another in a long line of mediocre singers who got big because girls and their sexually repressed mothers get wet thinking about you. There are more talented people out there who’ve put in their dues, and unlike you will go on to have long careers.

Before your voice changed you sounded like a chipmunk on helium, but at least it was distinct. Now you sound like every other generic pop singer who uses auto tune. You can’t hold a note if your life depended on it. There is nothing about your singing that would make someone stop and say ,”Damn, he’s got some chops.”  
Contrary to what you think, you’re a redneck from Canada and no matter how many black people you hang with will change that. You think you’re hardcore street, but you’re punk ass wouldn’t last a second in the hood. If you didn’t wind up shot or beat within an inch of your life, you’d be turned out and selling yourself by the end of day one.  

In case you haven’t noticed the only time you’re in the news is because of the latest douche move you pulled. You’re fifteen minutes are almost up and when they are you’ll be left with a legacy of being a spoiled brat, idiot, prima donna and wannabe gangster.

Sure you’ll have the money, but how long before you piss that away and have to resort to whoring yourself out on reality TV shows to stay relevant? In short Justin, chill the fuck out and exit stage left with some grace while you can.

Go to college and learn something you can fall back on when your fan base ages out and the next manufactured teen sensation takes your place. Don’t believe it’ll happen to you? Ask the Jones Brothers, Jesse McCartney, 98 Degrees, Dream Street, Billy Gillman, Aaron Carter and the countless others who came before you.

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Martin, Murder, and SYG

As the trial of George Zimmerman draws  to a close, I have a confession. I haven’t watched a second of coverage. The main reason being while what happened to Martin was tragic other things took priority over the trial. The other reason being I didn’t get invested in the case only for Zimmerman to walk, as it’s speculated he will.

There have been preemptive calls not to riot if he’s acquitted. While there shouldn’t be riots regardless of the out come, there should be peaceful protests nation wide. Stand Your Ground laws have a history of being used to justify murders. Florida in particular has a pattern of selectively enforcing the law and when the victim is black the shooter  walks in the majority of the cases.

Since its passage the law has allowed drug dealers and other criminals to instigate fights, pull their gun and then kill rivals. And in other cases people left an altercation to get their weapon, came back and shot the other party. And even though law enforcement officials argued SYG didn’t apply, the shooter was still acquitted.

The other problem with SYG is it has gives people an excuse to escalate violence. In case after case minor altercations get turned into shoot outs. In one case two men got into fight and fell into water. When the other tried to get out the first man shot him in the back of the head. No charges were filed. In another case a man discovered his wife was cheating on hi, confronted the man and when they got into a fight, pulled his gun and fired.

 Then there are the various cases where people chased after robbers and gunned them down. While you have a right to defend yourself you can’t assert that when you’re the aggressor and not in imminent danger. The main flaw with SYG laws is they are redundant because people are already covered by self defense laws, which have in them mechanisms for ferreting out false claims and stemming violence by requiring people to walk away if they can.

SYG confers blanket immunity, encourages people to engage in vigilante justice, and makes it near impossible to investigate because the shooter is often the only witness. When the verdict comes down, remember Martin and the others that have died because of this law, and let’s do something to ensure this doesn’t happen again.    

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Zombie Land

As I’ve gotten older the lazier I seem to get. I work out, clean house, etc. But I feel like I’ve stopped challenging myself mentally. I don’t read as much as I did in my younger days, and when I do it tends to be nonfiction and news articles.

When it comes to educational programming, which  I used to suck up like a black hole, now a days most of my TV watching is filled with trashy reality shows. I feel like I’ve let myself slip and become another philistine who sits on couch and yucks it up while his brain atrophies.

I try to learn something new everyday and keep abreast of world events, but I’m finding it harder to care about learning new facts. While they’re interesting, I fail to see their utility to me.

 At the end of the day I just want to turn off my brain for awhile and forget the shitty state of the world. You can worry so much before it gets overwhelming and you have to unplug. My fear is that more often than not I’ll be tuned out and stop using my brain at all.

Writing takes up more of time as I focus more on the craft, but I feel like I’m neglecting the intellectual side of my life. I keep saying I’ll crack open my old text books and go over them to keep things fresh, but never find the time.

Does anyone else feel like they‘re on the slow march to Zombie Land?


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The Problem with Modern Feminism

One of the things I can’t stand is double standards which is why I oppose modern feminism. The notion that women are exactly like men is false. There are clear physical and neurological differences between the genders and to pretend otherwise is idiotic. Can women do jobs equally as well as men?

That depends on the woman in question, because everyone has different skill sets. So if person A isn’t good at math while person B is this isn’t because there’s an overarching conspiracy to keep person A down.

Yet this is the argument thrown out by many modern feminists. There’s not enough women in STEM. Then it’s because of the patriarchy, and not because women tend to go into the humanities and other job fields at higher rates.

There’s not enough female CEOs. Again it’s the patriarchy. The fact employers are less likely to invest in females, because they often drop out of the work force to start families with no grantee if, or when they’ll return has nothing to do with  this I suppose?

And when it comes to the often quoted statistic that women make seventy cents for every dollar a man works, it’s  misleading. As noted above women go into the humanities at higher rates than males.  Thus not as many work in the same dangerous high paying career fields, nor do they work as many hours for as many years as their male counter parts.

There’s a reason women outlive men and it’s tied directly to the stress levels men are put under at work. That being said when a women has the same job as a men and does the same amount of work she should be paid the same. But this isn’t the case many times, because there are women who will trade sex, or the promise of sex in exchange for their male co-workers doing their work for them.

This leads to the next problem with modern feminism, namely the notion women are economic powerhouses and should be catered to, often by putting men in a negative light: e.g. the hapless father who’s a kid in an adult’s body. The issue here is that in many cases the money these women are spending is either their husband’s or a combination of their incomes.

Moreover if women are as financially independent as these feminists claim then why is it alimony and child support laws overwhelmingly favor them? After all if she brings home the bigger check shouldn’t she shoulder the bulk of the expenses if they split? If you answer no, then why should the male when the roles are reversed? A marriage being an equal partnership means the financial burdens should be shared by both parties.

When it comes to dating and sex why is that modern feminists scream about being objectified yet turn around and dress in skimpy outfits and do things designed to get attention?

You can’t have it both ways. Either accept humans, like all creatures, are driven to reproduce. So when someone approaches and you aren’t interested say so and move on. The alternative is for everyone to dress in a burlap sacks with eye slits so no one can tell what gander you are, much less whether you’re attractive.

No women deserves to be grouped or otherwise sexually harassed or assaulted, however women need to take responsibility for their actions. If you dress like a hooker don’t be shocked if you’re approached for sex.

If you exercise bad judgment while intoxicated own up to it. Guys do stupid shit all the time when they’re drunk, but the difference is they apologize when sober. And if they don’t they’re called out for being  assholes and you stop associating with them.

This notion seems foreign to modern feminists who calm if a women regrets hooking up with a guy it’s sexual assault.  Yet if she doesn’t then it’s about reclaiming her sexuality and empowering herself. Does not compute.

 The solution offered by them is to treat all males as sexual predators until proven otherwise. And if you see a guy trying to pick up a drunk girl step in, because heaven forbid she should be treated like an adult who must face the consequences of her actions.

Let me be clear here. There is a vast difference between drugging then raping someone and asking them back to yours for drunken sex. Were it not for the latter most of us wouldn’t be here. What I object to is this notion all men are rapists in waiting. And that women aren’t capable of making their own decisions and instead must be baby sat by their friends and random strangers.

Here’s a better solution. Have a plan in place so that when you go out you don’t over drink. And if you do, have a designated driver. Barring that arrange alternative transportation while sober enough to do so. Most metropolitan areas have some form of mass transit and many offer services that will drive you and your car home for a set fee.

This is no more victim blaming then telling someone who was robbed to stick to well lit and densely populated areas, and be aware of their surroundings to mitigate the chances of it happening again.

The main problem I have with modern feminism is the blatant double standards where by men can do no good and woman are these Goddesses who if were in control would usher in a utopia. Sorry but  being born with a pair of ovaries does not imbue one with magical properties.

Jerks come in all walks of life. Everyone should be treated with the same level of civility until they’ve earned your respect, and be judged solely on their merits and the content of their character.




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I don’t know about you, but today has been meh. I’d planned to get up early and spend the morning writing then hit the gym. Yet here it is half past noon and am only now putting words to the page.

I generally stick to my schedule, but  whenever my routine changes or I’m about to do something out of my comfort range I found little ways to sabotage myself. Be it not going to bed on time or sleeping in I find some excuse not to do whatever the new thing is.

About five months ago I joined a gym a few blocks from my house,  went there for a while then stopped. After gaining a ton of weight I started working out at home on my old bow flex, always with the prevision that next week I’d go to the gym but next week never came.

Part of  the reason is I tense up in social situations and rather be alone most of the time. The other issue is I’m afraid I’ll get addicted to exercising like I have in the past and hurt myself.

A theme for me for the past few weeks has been issuing challenges to myself to come out of my comfort zone and participate more.Rather than worry about what ifs, I’ll deal with reality and go from there. To prevent self sabotage I can go late at night or early in the morning since my gym is open 24 hours. And on those days I don’t feel like working out I’ll get a light one at home.

The point is to stop avoiding the little things like doing the dishes, laundry etc and build positive momentum so that when I go out and do new things it’s just the next progression in a long line of baby steps.

So what things have you’ve been putting off, but are willing to challenge yourself to do today?

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What Will You Do?

There are times it seems human decency has disappeared. You read story after story about horrific acts of violence and can’t fathom how the world got so fucked up. Then every now and then you see things that renew your faith in humanity.

I watched “What Would You Do?” for the first time last night and was struck by how strangers would step in when the situation had nothing to do with them. Granted this didn’t happen all the time and those who intervened weren’t always good Samaritans. But when they were they didn’t hesitate to help and call out the person for being a jerk.

Yeah like any reality show, things were scripted to an extent and edited to ratchet up the drama, but at its core “What Would You Do?” asks us to examine ourselves and how we interact with other people.

Are we going to be a society where everyone fends for themselves, or one were we help each other out? Many of the problem we face today are because of the tension between these world views, but it needn’t be this way. A balance can be struck between helping those in need and allowing people to pick themselves up by working hard.

Instead of waiting for some messiah to appear lets get to work fixing things now. While politicians are busy snipping at each other and fighting over the budget things are getting worse. The answer is to do what we can to make our communities better and vote in candidates who represent our values.

The problem is people don’t want to be the first to take a stand because they fear rejection and ridicule. You’ve been in a situation  where you know there’s a problem, but because no else says something you don’t either in case it’s “just you.”

Putting yourself out there is hard. I know. You feel like what you have to say doesn’t matter because you’re not an expert. Why should people follow you anyways? What credentials do you have and what qualifies you to speak on behalf of others?

I’m still struggling with these questions because the concept of leading others doesn’t sit well with me. I’ve always been more inclined to go my own way and point out what’s wrong with the world. But anyone can criticize without offering solutions. So instead of bitching for the sake of bitching I’m going to offer solutions too.

The problem is in order to enact change it requires others working together. And yes that means when no one steps up you’ll have to take the reigns. First you must earn permission from others by showing up consistently, offering your advise, and making yourself available. It’s hard and scary work but nothing will change as long as we remain bystanders.  

So what will you do?

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Cat In a Box

image by Giane Portal via

An often misunderstood concept in quantum mechanics is Schrodinger’s Cat.  A thought experiment used to describe the behavior of a particle in potential well.

In a nutshell a cat is placed into a sealed box and a poison gas is released. The question now: Is the cat alive or dead?

 Traditionally the answer given  is the cat is simultaneous alive and dead until you open the box. And this act (observing) changes the outcome and collapses the wave form associated with Schrodinger’s wave equation.

The catch for most is, how can the cat be alive and dead at the same time? The cat is a metaphor for the Copenhagen Interpretation of Young’s double slit experiment, which showed that light has a dual particle and wave nature.
However,Schrodinger postulated this thought experiment to critique the Copenhagen Interpretation. Because macro objects (things much lager than atoms) obey Newtonian physics. Thus they have a discrete position and momentum.

 Moreover because Schrodinger’s wave equation is probabilistic, a collapse of the wave form is expected ,since the probability of the cat being in any other sate when the observation is made drops to zero.

A better statement of Schrodinger’s Cat should read the cat has equal probability of being alive or dead until the measurement is made.          

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I’d Rather be Writing

image by nh313066 via

It’s a prerequisite. If you want to get published you need a platform and to be engaged on social media. But I rather be writing. Screw all this marketing and promoting crap. I want to concentrate on putting out the best work I can. Not worry about whether it will go viral or lose followers on twitter.

In this new age where everyone and their mama has a blog I get you need to stand out above the noise. But you do that through your writing, not by pimping your blog ad nauseum to anyone who will hear. This is counterproductive, annoying and turns people off from visiting your site.

I hate marketing and the time it consumes. I work damn hard from the moment I get up until I go to bed. There are days I’ll only get a few hours sleep then get up and start the grind again. So no, I’m not lazy. I’d rather be writing.

My philosophy on writing has always been if it’s good people will show up, but I’m quickly learning the most successful blogs aren’t necessarily well written or insightful ,just the most well marketed.

Rather than being butt-hurt, I’ll continue to put out the best content I can. Sure I’ll promote my blog and interact on social media as need be. But don’t expect me to like it or dedicate tons of time on it. Because I’d rather be writing.

What aspects of social/marketing do you loath the most, and how have you overcome that to get your message out there?  

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